Rep. Peter King: ‘If There Is A Threat…It’s Gonna Come From The Muslim Community’

Posted by | July 1, 2015 22:00 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Religion

Congressman Peter King just knows that if there is a threat, it’s going to come from Muslims. Don’t tell that to anyone in Charleston.

“Yeah, well — let me say, I am addressing it largely — or certainly, to a large extent — to, you know, the Muslim community in this region,” King said discussing terror threats with local radio L.I. in the AM on Tuesday. “Because if there is a threat, if there is gonna be something happening, it’s gonna come from the Muslim community.”

CNN reported earlier this week that various U.S. law enforcement agencies are boosting security efforts ahead of the holiday weekend.

King said Muslims should be quick to alert things to the police if they see things out of the ordinary.

“So they among all others should — if they see something, if they see someone who is new to the neighborhood, who they don’t think belongs there, or it’s unusual for him to be there or her to be there, if they hear of any talk of anything happening, if they see different groups gathering — that, tell that to the police.”

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

38 responses to Rep. Peter King: ‘If There Is A Threat…It’s Gonna Come From The Muslim Community’

  1. Obewon July 1st, 2015 at 22:23

    Europol Report: All Terrorists are Muslims…Except the 99.6% that Aren’t!

  2. tracey marie July 1st, 2015 at 22:54

    If I see large crowds opf toothless people riding government scooters I will call the police to get the teabaggers out of my neighborhood.

  3. katkelly57 July 1st, 2015 at 22:55

    Someone’s drinking the DumbAss flavor of Kool-Aid again.

  4. burqa July 1st, 2015 at 23:01

    This dunce seems unaware of what took place in South Carolina recently.

    It is sickening to see this sort of bigotry from an elected official. Here he is, trying to slime an entire community if one or a few of them do something bad.
    I wish we didn’t have this kind of thing in America.
    If I can’t get that wish, my next preference would be for the Right to have a monopoly on bigotry.
    Unfortunately, that wish is unlikely to be fulfilled because we on the Left not only have our own bigots who employ this sort of stereotype, but they find safe harbor the same way conservatives are silent when they see this kind of thing from King or others….

  5. TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 01:54

    Threats can come from all over, and to limit it to just one group of people is pretty short sighted. That said, he isn’t wrong about Muslims being a threat.

    • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 02:09

      “Right wing radicals” daily attacks remain the USA and the globes number one terrorist threats e.g. 9 gunned down in a Charleston S.C. church by a 21 year old right wing racist.

      DHS: “An attack by right wing radicals is either carried out or foiled every 34 days” in the USA via DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson. Partial list of FBI Crime Data linked Terrorism Directed At ‘Liberal’ And ‘Government’ Targets July 2008-2011.

      Just 31% of U.S. households own guns but commit 2/3 of Homicides in America: USA “right-wing extremists averaged 337 attacks per year (1 everyday now, minus 28 day frozen February.) in the decade after 9/11, causing a total of 254 fatalities” via

      • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 02:21

        I never denied that the majority of deaths in America come from its own citizenry. All I was stating was that there are far more than one, or even two, threats aimed at the US, and for a wide variety of reasons.

        • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 02:25

          You’re backpeddling again. Most all of the few domestic Islamic threats in the past decade were discovered, and turned into the FBI by peaceful Muslims themselves.

          • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 02:30

            I’ve never backpedaled at all. The entire point was that there are a wide variety of threats from all over, and to entirely dismiss one in the face of another is foolish.

            There is a sizable sect of Muslims that seek to use governmental power to push their beliefs on other people, and an even larger group of Muslims that would be willing to fund the extremist actions they believe necessary to do so. Keep in mind that this is only one of many threats against the US and its rights.

            • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 02:35

              Your “Right wing radicals” remain the number one domestic terrorist threat committing 2/3 of all terror attacks in the USA and globally.

              • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 02:40

                Yes, you’ve mentioned as much previously, and I never argued it. I’m unsure how that dismantles the point that I’ve made about dismissing other threats.

                The best way to stop things like this is through a great defense. While I am 100% against invasions of privacy, such as the Patriot Act, I am in no way against a more closely monitored public arena. I would also argue that we don’t need to be the World Police force, and can focus on repelling invaders and infiltrators from our borders, rather than going and declaring war on entire countries because of the viewpoints of a few.

                • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 02:45

                  Do you really have a peer reviewed Ph.D? If so in what and from which accredited institution?

                  • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 02:54

                    The Ph.D is a joke from another thread, where someone asking me for relationship advice attacked me for my opinion on cheating (trust is gone, bail out). Turns out she had cheated in the past.

                    At one point, she tried to dismiss the argument by stooping to an ad hominem, saying, “Who are you to advise anyone? I don’t see a Ph.D behind your name (which is foolish to say online anyways). Rather than call the ad hominem out, and point out how stupid it is to look for a “Ph.D” on disqus, I just decided to change my name to Ph.D, and say, “There is now.”

                    If I am guilty of projecting, I would appreciate you informing me exactly what I am projecting, and how I projected it. Not doubting you, but if I know where I am making mistakes, I can keep from making the same mistakes in the future.

                    • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 03:05

                      You can begin with modern data mining applications uploaded from data authorized by POTUS Lincoln, through Reagan’s 1981 Executive Order 12333–United States intelligence activities And FISA authorized metadata collections. “No one could have imagined”-Condi Rice. Debunked as a deadly failure.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 03:12

                      I’m confused. I’m just going to take you on your word about the Executive Order, but are you implying that just because Reagan did it, I would be ok with it? Reagan also wanted to get rid of civilian-owned assault rifles, and I’m not ok with that.

                      I believe that Bush Jr. was the one who signed the Patriot Act into law, and I’m most certainly not ok with that. It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue for me. It’s a “right or wrong,” issue. This is why I don’t bother defending Republicans unless the arguments used are faulty. A day or two ago, I called Jeb Bush evil or stupid, and, regardless of which one it is, you don’t want an evil OR a stupid man in the Oval Office.

                      Once again, I’m not entirely certain what I’m projecting, but I feel, that for the response that I was given, that I MUST be projecting something I don’t mean to be. I’d have to be for the response you gave to make sense to you.

                    • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 03:15

                      My points are empirically linked. Study up. Good luck trying to reverse U.S. history and reality.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 03:17

                      Why would I want to “reverse history?” I just want the wrongs to be righted.

                    • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 03:20

                      You’re stuck in a conundrum. Best of luck with your reading, studying and contemplation.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 03:23

                      How am I stuck in a conundrum? If I was alive during Lincoln’s time, and said, “Slavery is wrong,” would it really matter how long slavery had been in effect, or who had made it legal, or even what their party was? No matter how long it had been in effect, or what arguments were made to justify it, it was still wrong, because it infringed on the rights of people.

                      Its the same thing with infringing/trampling on the right to privacy.

                    • Obewon July 2nd, 2015 at 03:31

                      You’re mis/uninformed. Read the constitutional precedents proving the wide gap between ‘your opinion’ and reality e.g. “Issa & Goudy’s 0 indictments”

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 03:39

                      Why not just explain the wide gap between my opinion and reality? If you’re going to call me wrong, that’s fine, so long as you can prove and educate. Hell, if you prove me wrong, I have no problem openly admitting it.

                      I’ve done so before, on another website, when speaking about abortion:


                      “Turns out you are correct. I apologize, and will delete my previous posts that have said misinformation. Whether I am right or wrong, I value the truth over my pride.
                      Once again, I do apologize.”

                    • ecotoper July 2nd, 2015 at 19:38

                      Yes indeed, the “PhD” joke is over, and it was never funny from the start. You seem to have become enamored with your pseudo role as an academic, trying to add credibility to your sketchy logic. Time to tumble back to the reality of your little profile avatar … a cartoon image much closer to the Betty Boop you actually are.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 21:11

                      I’ve never claimed to be an academic. As a matter of fact, whenever anyone questions it, I’ve been completely honest about it. Why anyone would take a disqus name seriously keeps the name funny.

                      But, once again, it seems that people like to sling ad hominems and insults rather than actually debate the meat of the issue. “I’ll just call him stupid, and that will immediately refute any point that he has!”

                    • ecotoper July 2nd, 2015 at 22:37

                      tumadre … ” whenever anyone questions it, I’ve been completely honest about it … “. There, just for starters, is an example of your sketchy logic. Juxtapose those two words, “whenever” and “completely”. You continually lie about who you are in terms of education, but say that you are “completely” honest whenever someone challenges your lie. You have used your cute little PhD moniker for a very long time, but maintain the easy out that it is just a joke and means nothing. You are in the very same category as people who buy a mail order degree, but even lesser because you didn’t even pay the scam fee. You are, unfortunately, a liar and a fraud who chooses to embellish her alleged credentials to boost her credibility in pathetic internet debate. My guess would be that you are the holder of a high school diploma, and nothing more.

                    • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 22:47

                      If you presume that my name is actually TuMadre, or that I have a Ph.D just because it happens to appear after “TuMadre”, then you have lost the plot.

                      I’ve never lied. For whatever reason, you inferred that someone who has a cartoon boy riding a cartoon dragon for an image, and the name “Your Mother” in Spanish, happened to be telling the truth when he put Ph.D after all that. Why you would infer that ANYTHING about my profile revealed who I truly am is beyond me.

                      Do you think I’m a cartoon boy riding a cartoon dragon? Do you think that, while being a cartoon boy riding a cartoon dragon, that I am also your mother? The entire name is irrelevant.

                      Now, before we start throwing stones, where’s your graduate’s diploma, and what’s it in?

            • fahvel July 2nd, 2015 at 02:48

              you keep going backwards and you’ll fall off the short sighted list and join the dumbasses down below.

              • TuMadre, Ph.D July 2nd, 2015 at 02:55

                Already responded to the claim. Sure is echo-y in here.

                Maybe form your own arguments.

  6. greenfloyd July 2nd, 2015 at 05:27

    I was appalled at Rep. King’s apparent disconnection with, and insult of, his Muslim constituents. He doesn’t even sound like he knows his “enemy” and is encouraging those few extremists, “radicalized” individuals who will shout, “See! the US govt thinks all Muslims are terrorists…” and throw another log on the already raging fire of hate we got going on here. It certainly will not help build the trust in govt needed to gather intelligence within the American-Muslim community.

    So has King done damage to that trust? I don’t know, but I hope his community will let him know what they think.

    Has King hampered ongoing investigations in his apparently IS hot-spot district? Probably not, at least by the number of recent arrests of suspected terrorists by the FBI. Who should also let King know what they think about his offending their eyes and ears.

    It’s clear officials everywhere are approaching the upcoming 4th of July with increased concern of IS inspired/supported terrorists attacking multiple places at the same time. As we saw last weekend with near-simultaneous IS inspired/supported terror attacks on three continents; France, Kuwait and most bloody, a tourist-beach in Tunisia where 30 vacationing Brits were gunned down by a “lone wolf” (recently returned from IS controlled Syria I believe) before local security forces could put him down once and for all!

    When faced with the question what terrorist threat should we be most afraid of? The answer should always be, “The most immediate one.”

    • rg9rts July 2nd, 2015 at 06:02

      Well like King cares???He has a history of outing our allies when it suits him…ask King Hussein

  7. Leigh Goodson July 2nd, 2015 at 05:35

    <-************ Start working at home with Google! It’s by-far the best job I’ve had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6000 this – 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $177 per hour.

    • rg9rts July 2nd, 2015 at 05:59

      Your sister makes makes twice as much with half the effort on her back

  8. rg9rts July 2nd, 2015 at 06:00

    Used to be your IRA petey

  9. Warman1138 July 2nd, 2015 at 07:39

    Mr. King just haaaaaaaad to get his two cents in this week didn’t he.

  10. Suzanne McFly July 2nd, 2015 at 08:15

    Funny how he thinks he is smart by doing this, There is a heightened alert for the 4th of July holiday, he wants to be able to say “I told you so”. These evil slobs are hoping for another 9/11.

  11. Paul July 2nd, 2015 at 12:01

    Dylann Roof agrees.

  12. Bunya July 2nd, 2015 at 14:06

    I, for one, am getting tired of these promises of Muslim uprisings by the republicans. I already cleaned and restocked by Y2K bunker in anticipation of the attack, and it never comes. Mr. King, you’re slowly losing your credibility.

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