How to sleep

Posted by | December 17, 2016 12:59 | Filed under: Planet

It’s an art.

…the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the Sleep Research Society convened a body of scientists from around the world to answer this question through a review of known research. They looked at the effects of sleep on cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, cognitive failure, and human performance, vetting each paper based on its scientific strength.

The consensus: Most adults function best after seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Going to sleep and waking up at consistent times each day is valuable too. When we get fewer than seven hours, we’re impaired (to degrees that vary from person to person). When sleep persistently falls below six hours per 24, we are at an increased risk of health problems.

… we’re told to minimize screen time before bed. Phones and tablets emit light that’s skewed heavily toward the blue end of the visible spectrum, and some research suggests that these frequencies are especially influential in human sleep cycles. Using a “night mode,” available on some phones, is supposed to minimize that effect. That’s probably worth doing—so long as you don’t end up canceling out any benefit by spending more time looking at the lit screen.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

One response to How to sleep

  1. Mensa Member December 17th, 2016 at 22:51

    As I’ve gotten older, a good night’s sleep is getting harder.

    I’ve tried different light strategies but I couldn’t tell that it worked. Obviously, I turn the lights off but having a screen on doesn’t affect me.

    What does seem to work is keeping my room cool. After seeing a few articles on it, I figure it was worth a try. It wasn’t a miracle cure but it does seem to help. I think there is some research to back this up.

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