McConnell, Ryan back CIA over Trump

Posted by | December 12, 2016 19:22 | Filed under: Politics

Who you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes?

The two top Republicans in Congress offered strong support for the intelligence community Monday, in sharp contrast to President-elect Donald Trump’s attack on the CIA after reports the agency found that the Russian government tried to help him win the presidency.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he had the “highest confidence” in the intelligence agencies, while House Speaker Paul Ryan praised them for “working diligently” to take on cyber threats from foreign governments. But both leaders also warned against using the issue for partisan gain or casting doubt on the outcome of the election…

“Any foreign breach of our cybersecurity measures is disturbing and I strongly condemn any such efforts,” McConnell told reporters. He added later, “The Russians are not our friends.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

6 responses to McConnell, Ryan back CIA over Trump

  1. arc99 December 12th, 2016 at 19:34

    This post is dedicated to all the Trump worshiping fools who insist that the calls for investigations are simply sour grapes from sore-loser Democrats and liberals.

    House Homeland Security chair: Investigating Russian hacks must be ‘top priority’

  2. Foundryman December 12th, 2016 at 19:45

    McConnells flip flop means he got the phone call at 4 a.m. Do it or else.

  3. Jungle_Bhoy December 12th, 2016 at 22:27

    Hey what has Ryan got to lose – Trump gets impeached, Pence is Pres, Ryan becomes Vice-Pres. Crazy man is out of the way …. 4 years of the Republican Cultural revolution.

  4. Red Mann December 12th, 2016 at 22:38

    How long before these cowards go crawling back the Emperor Rump, hats in hand, groveling to be able to kiss his (anal) ring and beg forgiveness?
    I used to have to watch Masters of the Universe starring the pathetic Dolph Lundgren as He-Man and the truly frightening Frank Langella as Skeletor with my grand children, over and over. Anyway, in one scene Skeletor’s minions come back after failing yet another mission and beg forgiveness and Skeletor utters “I am not in a forgiving vein this day” and zaps the minions into oblivion. I can’t help but wish this fate on the Emperor’s failed minions, who are nowhere near as cute as Despicable Me’s.

  5. The Original Just Me December 13th, 2016 at 04:07

    Okay, what’s going on with these two ?????

  6. bpollen December 13th, 2016 at 05:04

    “When I get lonely and I’m sure I’ve had enough
    He sends comfort coming in from above
    Don’t need no letters at all
    We got a thing that’s called Turtle love
    We got a line in the sky”
    — if Ryan fronted Golden Earring.

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