NY Democrat wants you to pray to Jesus so he can get elected and erase gay couples from textbooks

Posted by | August 30, 2016 16:24 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics

The Queens Democrat is in a primary fight for state senate.

S.J. Jung, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Toby Ann Stavisky in the Sept. 13 primary, made the remarks in March to a group made up primarily of Korean churches.

At the same meeting, Jung, according to a report in Korean that was translated into English, spoke of other bills that have been difficult for the religious community and asked for prayers “so I can get elected to the New York State Senate to stop this from happening.”

“I pray Jesus Christ’s love to spread and his message speak through this election and your prayer of faith to make me become a warrior clad in armor,” he told the groups, according to the translation of his remarks.

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

35 responses to NY Democrat wants you to pray to Jesus so he can get elected and erase gay couples from textbooks

  1. Budda August 30th, 2016 at 17:10

    Is he out of his ever loving freaking mind?

    • Larry Schmitt August 30th, 2016 at 17:52

      Now that was an unnecessary question.

  2. William August 30th, 2016 at 17:11

    Jesus mentioned gay couples exactly zero times. This clown needs to read a Bible.

  3. Larry Schmitt August 30th, 2016 at 17:51

    How the hell does he know Jesus wasn’t gay? After all, he hung around with guys all the time, and they all wore dresses.

    • Mensa Member August 30th, 2016 at 19:51

      >> How the hell does he know Jesus wasn’t gay

      Many people don’t understand how radically different both marriage and sexuality were viewed back then.

      It’s pure speculation about Jesus but there is more evidence that Paul may have been gay. But this is by modern standards. But, probably not by the cultural standards back then.

    • Hirightnow August 31st, 2016 at 11:04

      30 year old Jewish guy back then with no wife?
      Sounds suspicious to me…

  4. Suzanne McFly August 30th, 2016 at 18:03

    This is pathetic, today in Connecticut we started off our school year by having our Superintendent introduce the “Teachers of the Year” at the individual schools, then she presented the “Teacher of the Year” for the district. This teacher came up and gave a powerful PowerPoint presentation followed by an amazing speech about how we are all here for the kids and as long as we understand this, we will succeed. She then said she could not of done this without her wife, we gave her 2 standing ovations and no one once said anything about who she loves, we talked about what a great presentation she gave.

    This is a tired argument and these types of people should never be in a position of power that will have an effect on all of us. He will never win in Queens and I hope these types will realize their views are not supported and never will be.

    • Larry Schmitt August 30th, 2016 at 18:06

      These losers are too concerned about who other people have sex with. And they usually turn out to be the ones with the most to hide.

      • Suzanne McFly August 30th, 2016 at 18:09

        Exactly, he is deflecting and I hope he lives to regret it.

  5. LudicrousSextus August 30th, 2016 at 18:14

    ‘Religion’ isn’t remotely required to disdain the non-stop gay advocacy in the nation’s public schools.

    Unless one thinks the current CDC statistics stating – ‘The only demographic in the nation where HIV is still increasing – up 135% – is 13 to 22 year old boys – while falling in every other demographic’…are imaginary, or bear no relation to over a decade of schools telling children how ‘normal and healthy’ the lifestyle rendering half of college age participants HIV positive by middle age is…

    Nobody gives a rat’s rear what adults do in private – but ‘normalizing’ this behavior is – simply put – sickening American kids. And apparently ‘progressives’ are just fine with that.

    • OldLefty August 30th, 2016 at 19:05

      Kids are either gay or they are not.

      • Mensa Member August 30th, 2016 at 19:45

        I work in a grade school and there are lots of kids with ambiguous sexuality.

        As a public educator, I have a legal obligation to provide a non-hostile learning environment for these kids, too.

        Anti-gay bigots mistake this for “gay advocacy.”

        Other types of kids get bullied as well. Obese students are a particular target. So are the mentally handicapped.

        By protecting them, I’m not “advocating” for obesity or mental disability! I’m just treating them equally.

        It’s such an ignorant way to look at an equal education.

        • OldLefty August 30th, 2016 at 19:55

          I agree 100%.
          Some people confuse “tolerance, or as you say, “equal treatment” with “promoting.

    • Mensa Member August 30th, 2016 at 19:32

      >> the non-stop gay advocacy in the nation’s public schools.

      What “gay advocacy”?

      Do you mean educating both gay and straight students equally?

    • Mensa Member August 30th, 2016 at 19:33

      >> Nobody gives a rat’s rear what adults do in private

      You can’t possibly be serious.

      Conservatives are obsessed with what people do in private — especially in the bedroom.

      • whatthe46 August 30th, 2016 at 19:55

        konservatives are obsessed with gays more than anything when many of them are gay themselves.

        • Bunya September 1st, 2016 at 14:08

          Being gays doesn’t bother me, but most of these conservatives are also pedophiles. And they also claim to be our “moral superiors”. Go figure.

          • whatthe46 September 1st, 2016 at 16:36

            Of course someone being gay doesn’t bother me. But when you’re so anti-gay and don’t want them to have rights and it turns out you’re gay, that ticks me off. Especially when they are pedos.

    • whatthe46 August 30th, 2016 at 19:54

      you think kids are turned into gays? yet another dumb ass post of the day. and you can take your religion and shove it. in case you’ve been asleep, there are a lot of you over the top, scream until you’re hoarse about gays this and that, and are flaming gays or when you screaming that gays will harm little boys, when in fact it’s you fools and your “preachers.” it’s your phony religion that’s sickening children all over the world not just America.

    • majii August 30th, 2016 at 20:36

      I’m a retired public high school teacher. I don’t know where you got the idea that public schools are engaged in “gay advocacy.” You don’t know what you’re talking about. Every piece of curriculum is handed down to the school district by the state. In my 33 years teaching in my state, not one objective had anything to do with “gay advocacy.” Furthermore, with all that public school teachers have to do, none of them have time to deviate from the material in the curriculum guides, especially since today, more states are tying teachers’ salaries and raises to test scores. Hell, our PE teachers who taught health classes never touched the subjects of homosexuality or “gay advocacy.” It’s persons like yourself who spread lies in public and on the internet about disciplines and professions you know nothing about, and it needs to stop. Unless you have a background working in public schools, you don’t know what the hell goes on in them, and it’s an insult to me and others who work in them to have someone like you tell us what we do. Stop, just stop.

      • Carla Akins August 31st, 2016 at 05:15

        maji, I love you – just want to throw my arms around you and give you a big hug. Always the voice the reason, offering explanations in a reasonable manner yet in the voice of a teacher that will brook no shenanigans. You need a dozen grandkids. :-)

    • Mike August 30th, 2016 at 20:38

      People who live in glass houses …

      Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House

      Josh Duggar, Head of Family Research Council, GOP thinktank/PAC

      Republican aide, Alan David Berlin, was arrested on charges that he wanted to engage in sex acts with a 15 year old boy while dressed in a panda costume.

      Fox News producer Aaron Bruns pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 years for possessing child pornography.

      Republican activist and former presidential campaign chairman Jeffrey Claude Bartleson was arrested on charges of sexually molesting a 5-year old boy.

      Republican activist and former chairman of the Christian County Republicans Royce Fessenden pleaded guilty to two counts of first-degree child molestation and one count of second-degree statutory sodomy.

      Republican parole board officer and former legislator George Christian (Chris) Ortloff pleaded guilty to attempting to lure 11- and 12-year-old girls to have sex with him.

      Republican legislative aide Robert R. Groezinger pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography.

      Republican legislator Robert A. McKee pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography.

      Republican chief of staff Eric Feltner pleaded guilty to showing pornography to a 13-year old girl.

      Republican presidential campaign official Matthew Joseph Elliott was convicted of sexual exploitation of a child.

      Republican city councilman John Bryan killed himself after police began investigating allegations that he had molested three girls, including two of his adopted daughters, ages 12 and 15.

      Republican legislator Ted Klaudt was charged with raping girls under the age of 16.

      Republican city councilman Joseph Monteleone Jr. was found guilty of fondling underage girls.

      Republican congressional aide Jeffrey Nielsen was arrested for having sex with a 14-year old boy.

      Republican County Commissioner Patrick Lee McGuire surrendered to police after allegedly molesting girls between the ages of 8 and 13.
      Republican prosecutor Larry Corrigan was arrested for soliciting sex from 13-year old girls.
      Republican Mayor Jeffrey Kyle Randall was sentenced to 275 days in jail for molesting two boys — ages ten and 12 — during a six-year period.
      Republican County Board Candidate Brent Schepp was charged with molesting a 14-year old girl and killed himself three days later.
      Republican Congressman Mark Foley abruptly resigned from Congress after “sexually explicit” emails surfaced showing him flirting with a 16-year old boy.
      Republican executive Randall Casseday of the conservative Washington Times newspaper pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from a 13-year old girl on the internet.
      Republican chairman of the Oregon Christian Coalition Lou Beres confessed to molesting a 13-year old girl.
      Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd pleaded guilty to charges of soliciting sex from an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.
      Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
      Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
      Republican petition drive manager Tom Randall pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 14, one of them the daughter of an associate in the petition business.
      Republican County Chairman Armando Tebano pleaded guilty to fondling a 14-year-old girl.
      Republican teacher and former city councilman John Collins pleaded guilty to sexually molesting 13 and 14 year old girls.
      Republican campaign worker Mark Seidensticker is a convicted child molester.
      Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
      Republican Mayor Tom Adams was arrested for distributing child pornography over the internet.
      Republican Mayor John Gosek was arrested on charges of soliciting sex from two 15-year old girls.
      Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
      Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
      Republican Committeeman John R. Curtain was charged with molesting a teenage boy and unlawful sexual contact with a minor.
      Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
      Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
      Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
      Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
      Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
      Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
      Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
      Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was sentenced to six years in prison for molesting two 8-year old girls, one of whom appeared in an anti-Gore television commercial.
      Republican fundraiser Lawrence E. King, Jr. organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
      Republican lobbyist Craig J. Spence organized child sex parties at the White House during the 1980s.
      Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
      Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
      Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
      Republican campaign chairman Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child and was arrested again five years later on the same charge.
      Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
      Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
      Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer.
      Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
      Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
      Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
      Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
      Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
      Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
      Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
      Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
      Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
      Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
      Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
      Republican legislator Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
      Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was found guilty of molesting a 15-year old girl.
      Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
      Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
      Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
      Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
      Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
      Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
      Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
      Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
      Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
      Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
      Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
      Republican campaign worker, police officer and self-proclaimed reverend Steve Aiken was convicted of having sex with two underage girls.
      Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
      Republican president of the New York City Housing Development Corp. Russell Harding pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer.
      Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was found guilty of raping a 15-year old girl. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.

      • Larry Schmitt August 30th, 2016 at 20:44

        In other words, adults having sex with children, whether the same gender or not, is perverted. Adults having consensual sex with other adults, whether the same gender or not, is not perverted. No one is trying to “turn” schoolchildren gay. That’s what Ludicrous (appropriate screen name, by the way) doesn’t understand.

      • Lyndia August 31st, 2016 at 00:15

        These perverts got off with relatively, light sentences. They SHOULD ALL AND I MEAN ALL, BE DOING AT LEAST, 50 YEARS.

      • Gary Parillo August 31st, 2016 at 00:58

        Wow! And wow again.I’m actually speechless for a change.

    • whatthe46 August 31st, 2016 at 01:08

      normalizing racism to the tune of tRump and his ignorant followers is sickening American kids. raising your kid to grow up an ignorant racist bastard is sickening American kids. get it straight!

  6. Tommie August 30th, 2016 at 22:15

    Seems there are some more democrats that need to join the republicans!

  7. whatthe46 August 31st, 2016 at 00:22

    man, the democrats got this far without saying some stupid sh!t, and then here comes this asshat. damn!

    • Gary Parillo August 31st, 2016 at 00:51

      Maybe they were No.Koreans.

  8. jybarz August 31st, 2016 at 07:03

    Holy fck!
    Doesn’t he realize he’s in the wrong party or that he’s wrong for the party?
    Evil Kim Jun-un’s brother?

  9. Roctuna August 31st, 2016 at 07:44

    If this guy is the Dem candidate it makes you wonder what the gop candidate is like.

  10. John_St_John August 31st, 2016 at 10:43

    S.J. Jung is one Democrat who rightly deserves to fail in his bid to become a sub level hyper religious dictator.

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