Fallujah ‘fully liberated’ from ISIS
Don’t believe the right telling you that we’re losing the fight against ISIS. The Iraqi army, not U.S. troops are the ones taking the most risks and getting the job done with the aid of the U.S.
Click here for reuse options!Iraqi troops have entered the northwestern al-Julan neighborhood, the last area of Fallujah to remain under IS control, the head of the counterterrorism forces in the operation, Lt. Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi, told The Associated Press.
Al-Saadi said the operation, which began in late May, “is done and the city is fully liberated.” The Iraqi army was backed by U.S.-led coalition airstrikes and paramilitary troops, mostly Shiite militias.
“From the center of al-Julan neighborhood, we congratulate the Iraqi people and the commander in chief…and declare that the Fallujah fight is over,” he told Iraqi state TV, flanked by military officers and soldiers. Some of the soldiers were shooting in the air, chanting and waving the Iraqi flag.
Copyright 2016 Liberaland
11 responses to Fallujah ‘fully liberated’ from ISIS
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Mike June 26th, 2016 at 08:39
I have no idea if this is a good thing or a bad…certainly it’s what our gov and military want, and O has been bringing the fight to Daesh…
In the end it’s still Iraq…a hot bed of extremism merely because it’s an epicenter of guns and money that the US keeps throwing at them. The Iraqi’s have shown themselves to be a divided, self-centered, fanatical, cowardly people, that fled their positions and allowed Daesh to become what they are today…They figured we’d save em…and we did.
We need to get the hell out of the Middle East and let these people settle their own scores themselves….let the chips fall where they may. The only way to do that is with clean energy.
I watched in horror as some young Syrian girl testified in front of some committee about being made an ISIS sex slave…she demanded that America must fight her enemies for her…
I’m trying to envision a scenario where a foreign entity invades our country and Americans flee …anyone…??? My 87 year old mom would fight to the death with a wooden spoon if she had to.
Their countries (often) mean nothing to them, their loyalty’s are tribal…Shia, Sunni, Kurd, means more than being Iraqi.
Great job O, now let’s find a way to remove ourselves from the equation…JMO of course
Hirightnow June 26th, 2016 at 09:03
Pictured: local insurgent.
Mike June 26th, 2016 at 09:08
Obviously radicalized by chocolate icing…
Buford2k11 June 26th, 2016 at 09:38
I knew it….Fully automatic wooden spoons are a danger…oh wait…Say Hi to mom…and Did you know that most if not all mom’s have super powers…? My Mom NEVER missed, when it came to the slipper throw…I swear it followed me around corners…and she never had to deploy the “wooden spoon missile”…there was no defense…
Larry Schmitt June 26th, 2016 at 09:10
They have no loyalty to Iraq because the country was invented by the League of Nations after the Ottoman Empire dissolved. Just like Kuwait, it’s an artificial creation.
Mike June 26th, 2016 at 09:12
Mensa Member June 26th, 2016 at 10:32
You are all over the board so it’s hard to agree or disagree but you raise valid questions with no clear answers.
>> I have no idea if this is a good thing or a bad..
In the short term it is good. ISIS is an unspeakable horror. But in the long-term? This is the second time America has had to “liberate” Fallujah from radicals and I can’t think of any reason to believe it is the last.
>> The Iraqi’s have shown themselves to be a divided, self-centered,
fanatical, cowardly people, that fled their positions and allowed Daesh
to become what they are today.
Obviously, a huge over-generalization but, clearly, the Iraqi central government did help create ISIL. But it was their horrid mistreatment and neglect of their Sunni citizens that made Sunni Iraqis figure that ISIL would be no worse.
But Syria and the USA certainly had a huge hand in creating ISIL as well.
As for the military throwing their weapons down… This was just an Iraqi failure — it was a spectacular trillion dollar failure of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld policy to train the Iraqi army.
>> I’m trying to envision a scenario where a foreign entity invades our country and Americans flee …anyone…???
Are you suggesting that the Iraqis didn’t fight us? And with inferior weapons?
An IED is basically built with duct tape, fishing wire and maybe even a wooden spoon.
Mike June 26th, 2016 at 10:57
“You are all over the board so it’s hard to agree or disagree but you raise valid questions with no clear answers.”
My guess is you missed the parts about removing ourselves from the Mid East and weaning ourselves off oil…and not giving these people any more weapons.
I read your post but didn’t see any clear answers either…probably because neither of us have enough information to make an intelligent decision, and although I served as a soldier (eons ago) I’m hardly qualified to make specific policy recommendations.
The US is directly responsible for the creation of Daesh…Bush pulled out too early and left a trillion dollars of military equipment in the hands of people who were completely divided…any child could have predicted it….my old posts show I called it years ago… I said they’d use the weapons against each other which they did for a while until Daesh showed up and stole them…mind you, I’m an idiot when it comes to foreign affairs.
No over generalization as to Iraqi cowardice…it wasn’t just one unit that ran…they all did…only the Kurds stood and fought…If you remember when Daesh appeared the US only wanted to help the Kurds…the Iraqi’s were a lost cause…cowards only get you killed. This is the third time we’re rebuilding and retraining the Iraqi army…no offense but Fk them, I’d rather spend the money here
The Iraqi’s resisted an occupation…a rebel insurgency …so we killed a million of them with weapons, starvation, and denying access to medical attention til they came around. Are you suggesting we continue down this same path…???
oldfart June 26th, 2016 at 09:53
Urban renewal gone bad.
Mensa Member June 26th, 2016 at 10:00
Fox News has been saying, all along, that Obama’s fight with ISIS is failing!
They wouldn’t lie, would they?
fahvel June 27th, 2016 at 04:02
when this is still a fact in three months, reprint it.