Three-second rule a myth

Posted by | March 29, 2016 12:38 | Filed under: Planet Pot Luck

In other words, don’t eat food off the floor.

The ten-second rule – also known as the five-second or three-second rule by some – has previously been dismissed by the NHS. Dr Ronald Cutler, a microbiologist from Queen Mary University, said: “The five-second rule has little effect on the amount of bacteria you would pick up from a heavily contaminated surface.

“Think about this, if you drop food on a floor, it’s better to put it in the bin rather than your mouth.

“No matter if it’s at home on the carpet, the kitchen floor or in the street, my advice is if you drop it, chuck it.”

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

13 responses to Three-second rule a myth

  1. Mike March 29th, 2016 at 13:09

    Oh no, another myth shattered…

    What’s next you’ll tell me Obama isn’t a Muslim, Kenyan, Arab, ISIS supporting, Scalia killing, Pinko, Commie, Socialist, Gay married to a tranny, and all around worst person/president in the world…???

    • Larry Schmitt March 29th, 2016 at 14:54

      Did anyone ever actually believe it was true? And more importantly, did anyone ever get sick from eating something that fell on the floor? People eat germs every day. They stick their fingers in their mouths, stick other things in their mouths (minds out of the gutter), but a healthy immune system allows you to do those things without batting an eye. Hell, kids eat dirt. And worse. I can’t believe a newspaper is actually investing time on this.

      • tracey marie March 29th, 2016 at 15:02

        if I am not fast one of my dogs will snatch whatever drops.

        • Larry Schmitt March 29th, 2016 at 15:04

          So less than three seconds for you.

          • tracey marie March 29th, 2016 at 15:05

            If it is the little one, 1/2 a second.

            • Mike March 29th, 2016 at 16:49

              Your dogs are slackers…my guys would never let food hit the floor…:)

              • tracey marie March 29th, 2016 at 16:53

                lol, that will keep me laughing for a while.

                • Mike March 29th, 2016 at 17:09

                  Sad thing is it’s true…I can’t go near food in my house without an audience watching my every move…someone crackles a plastic bag and from a dead sleep they’ll leap up falling over each other looking for where the sound came from…You’d think I’m starving them.

                  • tracey marie March 29th, 2016 at 17:12

                    Same here, i think you described all dogs. I had to put child locks on my pantry because one figure out where the food was and how to open the draws and doors.

      • Mike March 29th, 2016 at 16:42

        Did anyone ever actually believe it was true?

        Are you talking about the Obama stuff or the 3 sec rule…??? Either way the answer is yes…50% of the country is dumber than Palin.

        • Larry Schmitt March 29th, 2016 at 17:46

          I meant the 3 second rule. I’ve heard that one for decades, and always took it as a joke, that’s why I can’t believe someone spent money to do research. But as for Obama, a certain part of the people will always believe the worst about him without asking any questions, because they are racists. The sh*t people spout about this president far surpasses what we could ever dream up about Dubya, and we hated him.

  2. dewired4u March 29th, 2016 at 16:08

    all according to what it is if it’s something hard just wipe it off and go for it.

  3. amersham46 March 30th, 2016 at 00:20

    As a child my grandfather caught me washing the dirt off of baby carrots I picked from his garden . No No he said just brush the dirt off , a little dirt is good for you. He lived to 93

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