Hate Mail: Sooner Or Later Edition

Posted by | April 24, 2014 11:43 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories

From: Linda
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 10:11 AM
To: Alan


…You can celebrate gay marriage until hell freezes over but  having sex in the butt hole is unnatural, sickening and immoral.  I know you are Jewish but please read the first chapter of Romans in the New Testament – about 20 lines of God’s thinking on it.  The anus is for the removal of waste from our bodies, something most of us don’t want to get on other body parts.

I am past 70, been listening to talk radio since my 20’s and I can assure you, you have one of the most ill informed audience I have ever seen.  I only listen because they put you at 3AM and I am asleep and wake up during your show as I have been listening to a conservative prior to your show coming on…

One day, you will wake up and see the truth Alan.  Incidentally, obama is half white and half Arabic.  And THAT I HAVE THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED.  He is not an African black as evidenced by his family proudly naming him three Arabic names.  African blacks, usually Christian, were careful to NOT name their children Arabic names.

Linda, I am very impressed with your knowledge of the “butt hole.”

From: Rosemary
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2014 2:23 PM
To: Alan
Subject: How about it?

Alan, I’m hearing you remark about Gates demeaning Obama while POTUS is still in office, yet I don’t recall you saying anything about Obama  CONTINUALLY blaming Bush for everything that goes wrong – I think he’s the ONLY President who has done that to a preceding President.  Very rude.  Now I could have simply just missed you giving fair treatment in this instance…

Rosemary, what’s your pal Dick Cheney saying these days?

From: Linda
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 11:00 PM
To: Alan

…I would have assumed you knew the elections were rigged and have been for at least a decade and a half, but apparently your bosses have told you that you are not allowed to think that either.

I would like to say it’s been a pleasure, but I am incredibly disgusted with your irresponsibility to report the news and not what you are told to report.

 But they’re only rigged when Democrats are elected, right?

From: Keith
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 9:50 AM
To: Alan

Alan:   I personally do not understand how an obvious very nice, personable fellow like yourself , can be so misinformed on moral and social issues.  Liberals for sure think differently!

I hope someday you will see the damage Liberal thinking is doing to America.

Thank you, Keith, for the kindest piece of “hate” mail I’ve received.

From: atw
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 9:22 AM
To: Alan

It is amusing how fox parades you around as some liberal talking head. Don’t you see they do it because you make fellow Progressives look dumb. Elmer Fudd would be a better spokesperson for our cause. Please go away soon.

To you he maybe be Elmer Fudd. To me he is a mentor.

From: susan
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:25 PM
To: Alan
Subject: cowardice

Well colmes, I knew that you along with all the rest of your liberal ilk were cowards but now I know how much.  Your flunky followers couldn’t handle the truth so you had those parasitic interns of your block me from your facebook page.  Come on coward, put me back on, and I will continue to show your incompetent, imbecilic obama loving followers how totally stupid they are.  Now be sure and bow to your filthy foreign born muslim messiah.

Nah, I usually do my own blocking and don’t leave it to interns, of which I have none.  But I can’t imagine why someone as informed and eloquent as you would be blocked.

Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 8:32 PM
Subject: idiot

colmes – still listening to your stupidity on O’Riley.  You are unquestionably the dumbest piece of human filth I have ever heard.  The only reason that I can think of that fox keeps you on their station is because of  your marriage to crowley’s sister. And even that is almost impossible to believe.  I certainly can’t understand why any female would be interested in such a vile  obnoxious little creature as you are.  You are totally disgusting.

What was that again, sailor?

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.