Give Yourself The Gift Of Radical Well-Being

Posted by | March 10, 2014 19:02 | Filed under: Planet Religion Top Stories

Deepak Chopra explains the concept and how a new model can shape your personal future.

Radical well-being is founded on burgeoning evidence that the mind is the key to health. Let me sketch in the main points. They make a long list, but each point is a single piece of the puzzle. When all are fitted together, the picture that emerges is of radical well-being, not as a new label for prevention but as a reinvention of the human body.

• Gene activities are responsive to lifestyle choices. Improving your diet, exercise, and sleep creates positive changes in genetic output.

• Genes respond to meditation, and the changes involved can be incredibly fast acting.

• The brain responds to new habits by creating pathways that support them. This alteration occurs not just at the level of brain chemistry and neural activity, but runs as deep as the genetic level…

We’ve offered these points in the broadest, most general terms to bring out the one thing they all have in common: Mind is the key. Moment by moment, second by second, you can’t make a single choice or decision, except though the mind. And every thought, it turns out, is actually a decision. Each mental event gets translated into a bodily change, via the brain as the mind’s physical processor, and each message is either positive or negative…

The reason for calling this new model radical well-being is that unlike conventional well-being, making choices isn’t optional. Every thought invisibly encodes a biological choice, pointing to a positive outcome (well-being) or a negative one (imbalance, physical decline, disease, or death). That our cells change by the instant holds the key to a higher state of health. (If you want to see what your thoughts were like yesterday, look at your body today. If you want to see what your body will be like tomorrow, look at your thoughts and feelings today. Pay attention to how you are reacting to your world.)

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.