Hate Messages: Together Forever Edition

Posted by | March 6, 2014 12:21 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories

Some of my Facebook fans:
  • Why do you always blame the Bush administration. The Bush administration is in the past. It is now your president that is in the drivers seat driving this country toward communism.
  • fuck you, you piece of shit commie bastard. you are an idiot. you are a socialist traitor that is in denial an would still be when the mainland of the country, USA, you prick, in case you forgot was under attack as long as the democrats were in the white house. I bet you would go down on Obama if he asked. no wonder you were taken off prime time with Hannity. Go to hell, fire marshal bill!
  • I see that the ever gutless colmes and his band of idiotic, moronic, liberal scumball flunkies are still denying conservatives freedom of speech by kicking people off of this garbage dump site but continue to allow human filth …Bet you think that your monkey faced master obama is going to show you low life maggots special priviledges when he becomes dictator. He will, he’ll put you on socialized obama care.
  • Hi Alan, You are nothing but a stooge. You are a paid SHILL! You belong in the main stream media where you can talk all the shit you want! Arrogant Prick!
  • you dumb fuck have you ever answered a question without redirecting to another subject or comparing it to the past..this administration is supposed to be the “go forward” “dont look back” “progressive”…yet when asked why they do certain things all you want to do is point to what used to be…I know you cant see it because you are the far right liberal socialist and have been brain washed by other liberal idiots…but step out of your body and take a look at yourself, you will be ill after a minute of listening to yourself.
  • SHUT UP!!!! and get off of TV you contribute nothing but stupidity!!! ug
  • your one stupid freaken brain dead asshole. why don’t you move to effen France or Cuba Scumbag
  • Colmes you idiot, how much more kool-aid are you going to swallow? Face it gas bag you liberal clowns are headed down the shit pipe. How do you sleep nights when you constantly tell lies? YOU’RE SUCH AN ASS.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.