Jan Brewer Vetoes Anti-Gay Bill

Posted by | February 26, 2014 19:50 | Filed under: Good News Politics Top Stories

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said that SB 1062 is too broad, and that the rights of business owners in Arizona are not being infringed.  The queston is why did she wait so long. Josh Voorhees at Slate has some answers.

Why the Wait, Part 1: USA Today: “The legislation landed on her desk Monday, and as each day has passed, emotions surrounding the debate have heightened. Many are questioning why Brewer is taking so long to act. Speculation is that the governor will veto the bill no later than Friday evening. The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is among the business groups strongly opposed to the bill, is scheduled to honor her then. Some political insiders believe Brewer has allowed furor over the legislation to build to thwart social conservatives’ attempts to push a similar bill later. SB 1062 bill shields businesses from being sued if they deny service to individuals based on sincerely held religious beliefs.”

Why The Wait, Part 2: Washington Post: “Because she’s still thinking about her own electoral future. .. In 1970, Arizona governors began serving four-year terms. In 1992, Arizona voters passed a constitutional amendment limiting governors to two consecutive terms. … Brewer, though, has argued that she doesn’t meet the two-term requirement, because she served less than one half of Napolitano’s unexpired term. …. To this day, Brewer hasn’t formally ruled out challenging the state constitution and running for a second elected — and third overall — term.”

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By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.