President Obama Condemns Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill

Posted by | February 16, 2014 16:36 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

President Obama correctly condemned Uganda for its anti-gay policies.

“As a country and a people, the United States has consistently stood for the protection of fundamental freedoms and universal human rights,” Obama said. “We believe that people everywhere should be treated equally, with dignity and respect, and that they should have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential, no matter who they are or whom they love.”

“That is why I am so deeply disappointed that Uganda will shortly enact legislation that would criminalize homosexuality,” the statement continues. “The Anti-Homosexuality Bill in Uganda, once law, will be more than an affront and a danger to the gay community in Uganda. It will be a step backward for all Ugandans and reflect poorly on Uganda’s commitment to protecting the human rights of its people. It also will mark a serious setback for all those around the world who share a commitment to freedom, justice and equal rights.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.