Held Over: Hate Mail: Love Is A Simple Thing Edition

Posted by | February 15, 2014 06:43 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories

From: Allen
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2013 6:06 PM
To: Alan
Subject: NO GUTTS

Alan Colms

I have been waiting for you to answer my e-mails. As of yet nothing, you are a sissy, a wimp, you have your head so fare up Obamas ass, you would have to be surgically removed if he stopped to fast. Do not talk about things you do not know much about, Obamacare is one such item. I have listened to you and you are wrong on many things relating to Affordable care act (Obamacare). Obama will hurt this country real bad.

Funny, I’ve been waiting, too. I’ve been waiting for you to send me an email with fewer than five spelling errors.

From: Robbin
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:30 PM
To: Alan
Subject: For Alan

You stupid piece of garbage !  How can you possibly be sooo dumb! I guess you talk like this to have a job as a liberal on the show! You are really a conservative, right? You are an ugly person to begin with!! Just looking at you makes be want to barf!

Robbin…you had me at “stupid piece of garbage!”

From: Donald
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:33 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Welfare

Mr collmes you are a jackass people don’t want to work and this country gives them to much money. It’s more money then I make for a full time job so I’m paying these people to set on there ass and I can hardly pay my bills now. Then I had health care I was getting from work now I’m loseing that to. Then with the Obama care plan I have to pay 10,000.00 in up front cost before my insuresanc kicks in. So you say thisvos affordable care act your full of crap

How is it that I have a hunch that your full-time job has no requirement that you use the English language?

From: Jim
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 6:13 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Intro music

Thank you for playing intro music before coming on the air. It gives me a chance to switch channels before the kooks start calling in.

Yes, Jim, and we use that time to get rid of listeners we don’t like.

From: Kent
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 9:49 PM
To: Alan
Subject: For Alan

You Sir are a Dick… I use to epitomize you… now you are a bullshit lazy ass . Lets all take welfare… all the subsidies we can… you suck Alan..

Wow, I’ve never been epitomized before. Thanks!

From: dennis
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2013 8:34 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Don’t know if anyone said this

to you today or not…but you SUCK.

No, you’re the first. Congratulations!

From: David
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 9:51 AM
Subject: Are You Really That Stupid?

You’re a f’n fool to get on national tv and blathering the Marxist line.

Perhaps you should pull your head out of your ass!

 David, thanks for the suggestion, and I normally would, but it’s awfully cold outside.

From: Patrick
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2013 3:00 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Obama”care”?

Mr. Colmes,

I have a question for you about the ACA. Before I get too involved I should warn you, this probably isn’t the type of email your used to, with entitled people praising your social utopian views and kissing the ground the president walks on.

One thing that I have NEVER heard you liberal progressives bring up is, what gives you the right to look at me and say “You don’t know what you need, we’re going to take away your right to make that decision and make it for you.” WHAT GIVES YOU THAT RIGHT? How dare you…What gives you that right. You don’t have that right. You just took it…

I’ll say it again, HOW DARE YOU. And Single payer is the WORST thing that could happen to this country. Do you want to wait months to see a doctor like in the UK or Canada?…You do know that in those countries people die just waiting to see a doctor right? I’m sure that doesn’t bother you since I’m sure YOU will never wait in any line, but what about the rest of us commoners? The problem with your socialist plan is that it sounds good when your in the position you and the government are in, but what about the rest of us? That doesn’t mater to you does it, we are only meant to serve you aren’t we? Just take what you give us without question and thank you for it right? Who do you think you are?

Patrick, Please bow down the next time you speak to me–and avert your eyes.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.