Liberal Lands On Conservative Radio (What I Did On My Christmas Vacation)

Posted by | January 25, 2014 00:42 | Filed under: Contributors Mark Quincy Adams Opinion Politics Top Stories

In an attempt to bring Progressive wisdom to the Conservative masses, this Liberaland contributor recently ventured into enemy territory to bring a new perspective to Right Wing talk radio. Deep in ‘Red’ Charlotte County Florida I was generously invited to respond to former Congressman Allen West and speak on the Ray Jr. Show on WCCF AM with host Jeff Briscoe.  You can listen to the 30 minute segment here. [interview starts at about the 6:00 minute mark]

There were many topics covered in the short time.  Basically I was challenged to acknowledge or debunk a series of Conservative talking points.

First off, I was asked to deny the right-wing belief of the existence of a War on Christmas. I quickly labeled this nonsense it for what it is – a “War on Christmas Marketing Campaign” designed to sell books and attract viewers and listeners to the tv and radio outlets promoting the nonsense.

The host was well prepared with examples but I had done my homework. I learned nearly every charge supporting the War on Christmas myth. As is often the case, the superficial appearance of a coordinated attack on the Holiday lost it’s punch upon closer examination. Additionally, I contended that this effort by the Right is part of a broader campaign to keep Conservatives across the nation locked in a permanent victim mentality.

If the fake War on Christmas wasn’t enough to keep our Conservative friends agitated during the Holiday season, we debated the backlash about the comments by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. Wasn’t this an example of the Left suppressing free speech and religious expression? Absolutely not! Robertson, I argued, was allowed to say what he wanted and what he said went far beyond anything mentioned in the Bible. So the criticism wasn’t against Scripture or Christianity, it was against the opinions he formed based on what he heard in his church and what he’s seen in his life.

I was also happy to point out that Conservatives have for years been very willing to give up freedom to employers and the private sector. Therefore, It was comically hypocritical for them now to complain about the short and quite meaningless suspension A&E handed out to the bearded bubba.

We even talked about Pope Francis and the changes he’s already brought to the economic debate in politics. I swear I heard gasps as I celebrated the fact that the Pope managed to debunk 30 years of Trickle Down economics in only about 30 weeks.

It was a spirited discussion and I applaud Mr. Briscoe and WBBC radio for inviting me on to speak my mind. While there was little agreement, I did try to end on a note of reconciliation and hope that what common ground that is shared by the two sides could be a good starting point for cooperation in 2014.

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Mark Quincy Adams

A proud 'pragmatic progressive' Mark Quincy Adams has been a political
talk show host and prolific pontificator since 1992. Find him on Facebook and Twitter @politicalglutton