Caldwell: Edward Snowden Defends Freedom Better Than Peter King

Posted by | January 6, 2014 18:44 | Filed under: Opinion Top Stories

Theo Caldwell shows how Edward Snowden has it correct about freedom, versus Rep. Peter King, who does not.

King is a reliable and ubiquitous proponent of whatever the federal government wishes to do with your personal information, private communications, or your body, no matter how obscene, in the name of winning the infinitely elastic War on Terror…

Most recently, King blew a gasket on Fox News over a New York Times editorial suggesting clemency for Edward Snowden…

His calculus is that no matter how excessive and intrusive security protocols are, or how omniscient the NSA becomes, it’s worth it to stay safe and defend freedom…

Edward Snowden has done more to protect Americans’ freedom than Peter King.

Yet King will never be without a home, a salary or a pension, he will never miss a meal or fear for his life. For the rest of his days, he will be comfortable and free to advocate the circumscription of his countrymen’s liberty.

…Snap out of it, America. As 2014 dawns, you are among the least free developed nations in the world and nincompoops like Peter King are making it worse in the name of “security.”

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Copyright 2014 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.