Hate Messages: I Like Him Edition

Posted by | December 30, 2013 13:29 | Filed under: Hate Mail Top Stories

Jason: Your one ugly mf u should stick to the radio because your just to ugly for tv and look to much like a sack of ass holes

Rick: Dr. Mr. Colmes; Could you answer a question that has been on my mind for a long time? I love to hear both side of a debate on subjects that affects me and my family. I want to hear the Libel side and the Conservative side of views but when you or most libel debate someone that disagree with your point of views and they begin to give their facts after listening to yours you and so many other libel interrupt the other side.

Don: Saw you on Fox this morning. Do you actually believe the bullshit talking points that spew out of your mouth? I use to enjoy listening to your point of view, but in the last few years you have drank the KOOL-AID of your party.

Rose: Don’t you dare say Republicans did not fund security for the embassy. That is an out and out lie! Even the Obama Democrat said that this is not true. A lying Democrat–really??? Shocking! Hillary and Obama left those boys to die and it is more evident every day!! Obama and Co. are nothing but a bunch of lying murderers. Susan Rice is a fool for going out and lying for Obama and Clinton. If the idiots int his country elect Hillary President, they deserve what they vote for. Ask the people that voted for Democratic Obama Care and see how many said they would never vote for another Democrat. It is only going to get worse. Thank God! You should be ashamed of yourself for lying for that incompetent Obama!!!


James: Alan : You Are What I wIPE Off My Shoes everyday Grease and dirt from the Bottom of My Go” Fuck Yourself

Clint: I would almost think you are BLACK. I know for sure, You are a flipping MORON. How can you back Obama any longer? I hope you LOOSE your insurance then let you go on to the exchanges Good luck you goof ball.


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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.