Hate Mail: Beautiful People Edition

Posted by | November 27, 2013 12:48 | Filed under: Hate Mail Radio Show Top Stories

From: Allen
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 6:52 PM
To: Alan

Mr. Colms

Hello, just to let you know that there are other ways to spell alan your spelling is NOT the only proper spelling. I have to tell you you need to think before opening your mouth, let people speak their point. If they are talking about something that is not your way of thinking you cut them off. Do you really think that the people that made comments about the deal didn’t know what the deal was prior to the announcement your living in your own little screwed up world and your world has allot of problems.

…I am tired of your lies, pulling the wool over peoples eyes. The reason you get these drunk weird people calling you is what you deserve

GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obama is the worst President in History worse than Carter


Allan or Allen, (since you spell your name one way in your header, and another way in your signature), both of your spellings are wrong. Also, it’s ‘Colmes.’  Also, I’m very sorry that your exclamation point key is broken.

From: Diane
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2013 8:21 PM
To: Alan
Subject: I think

Alan, you sir are a Nincompoop.  You are so damn busy spinning facts and argumentative, that’s all Liberals are good at.  You have no concern about people when you spend your time arguing.  For you anyone who doesn’t agree with the Liberal agenda is worthless.  I’ll stick my confidence on a conservative lifestyle far more responsible.  Liberals are good at promises, but never follow through, you have made so many promises, and we have compromised with you and then Liberals don’t hold up there end of the deal.  And Obamacare, please sir, take my tax refund, go ahead, I WILL NOT BE FORCED INTO A PLAN OR POLICY BY THREATS, being treated like a criminal.  So you can take it and shove it.  You are doing your best to make all of America Liberals and let more non americans in for your voting purposes.  Your un-American in my book.

First, your subject line is wrong. I think you meant to put the word “don’t” after “I.” Also, you mean to say “You’re un-American,” not “Your un-American.” Your welcome.

From: Linda
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 7:20 AM
To: Alan
Subject: Abortion


Hi!  I’ve watched and listened to you for many years.  I’m a Conservative and am ready to scream at the way you and other libs treat abortion.

Why can you not understand, an abortion is NOT about a woman’s health, it is about an unborn childs health.  It is the killing of an unborn child.  Alan, that is worse than slavery.  God will never, never heal our country as long as we are slaughtering millions of babies.

Do you realize, we have now killed SIXTY MILLION unborn babies.  That is an unbelievable amount of dead babies Alan, all made in the image of God…

I hope God will change your mind on this Alan.  Please prayerfully reconsider and you do need to get with God anyway.  As a Jew, I feel you probably are not a practicing Jew or you could accept Jesus, the Messiah of the Jews and Christians.  We would LOVE to have you in the fold.

In His Love Alan.

Thank you, Linda. I’m glad you have found a spiritual path that works for you. And mine works for me, so let’s celebrate our differences.

From: Marge
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:18 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Verdict Violence

You’re an asshole and also ….you have a very bad dye job.   That red hair has to go.

Thank you for your very constructive analysis and helpful criticism. I’m now thinking of going with pink.

From: NHS
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:05 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Re: Disabled caller

…scum sucking shills like you Allan, have helped these sick fucks.    You got rich of these scum suckers.

You my friend are gutless piece of garbage.

Actually, I’m getting rich off you. Thanks for helping me get website views.

From: Diane
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 2:44 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Obama

The first and LAST black president.

So good to know that race doesn’t play into your views.

From: Mikel
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:40 AM
To: Alan
Subject: Scumbag

Alan, you are so far up Obama’s ass makes you a complete scumbag every time you open your mouth! You liberals can’t handle the facts! Keep up with your plastic surgery your looking more like more of a freak everyday!

Mikey…I’m sure you are very very good-looking and I can only aspire to have your lady-killing looks. Also, this is a very good way to impress me with your intellect, as personal attacks on one’s appearance always wins the day.

From: Chuck
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 7:32 AM
To: O’Reilly
Cc: Colmes
Subject: …has “Sanity” departed ?

Mr. O’reilly, why in the name of Journalistic SANITY do you continue to have that “dummy-crat” lunatic  (I’m talking about Alan Colmes !) on the Factor ?

This guy is about as “sharp” as a Bowling-Ball !  a few more points on the IQ chart and he could be a Tree !

(at least James Carville listens and communicates !)

Chuck, Mr. O has asked me to respond, as part of the reason he allows me on his show is that I answer his email and bring his clothes to the laundry. I’ll write more after I do the windows.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.