Donald Trump Sends Nasty Veterans Day Tweet

Posted by | November 11, 2013 15:35 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly Politics Top Stories

Tweeters didn’t take kindly to The Donald’s attempt to offer a Veterans Day Tweet.

Trump sent a patriotic message with an acerbic twist this holiday, tweeting “Happy Veterans Day to ALL, in particular to the haters and losers who have no idea how lucky they are.”

The Donald put a snarky spin on his well-wishes to military personnel after taking a beating from his Twitter followers following his initial Veterans Day posting.

Praising military personnel on social media early Monday morning, Trump first wrote, “We will only be the land of the free as long as we are the home of the brave,” but anti-Trump tweeters came out of the woodwork to unleash their furor.

One member of the Twittersphere retweeted Trump’s message, adding the hashtag #YourWifeIsWaitingForYouToDie and yet another added the intro “Reminder: Trump’s a draft dodger” to the message directed at the real estate executive and reality TV star.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.