Maine Congressman, Candidate For Governor, Comes Out

Posted by | November 4, 2013 07:44 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

Rep. Mike Michaud says, “For me, it’s part of who I am.”

Running for governor in 2014, Michaud told residents he “wasn’t surprised to learn about the whisper campaigns, insinuations and push-polls some of the people opposed to [his] candidacy have been using to raise questions about [his] personal life.”

Then, he got specific, writing, “They want people to question whether I am gay.”

And, he responded, “Allow me to save them the trouble with a simple, honest answer: ‘Yes I am. But why should it matter?’ That may seem like a big announcement to some people. For me, it’s just a part of who I am, as much as being a third-generation mill worker or a lifelong Mainer. One thing I do know is that it has nothing to do with my ability to lead the state of Maine.”

Michaud is the first out LGBT member of Congress from Maine and would be the first out LGBT person elected governor in the country should he be successful in his upcoming race.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.