Whoa: The Economist Abandons the GOP

Posted by | October 19, 2013 12:02 | Filed under: Media/Show Business Politics Top Stories

While the right-wing media in the United States has held almost uniformly strong in recent weeks — supporting House Republicans in their doomed campaign to force a repeal of Obamacare, or whatever it was that inspired the shutdown — there have been a few exceptions.

The Wall Street Journal is prominent one; while it aligns perfectly to the GOP in terms of broad policy, it has taken recent issue with the right’s suicidal tactics.

But over in the UK, it’s a different story.

The Economist, a leading global-issues publication with a gold-plated audience of movers and shakers (and thinkers), has broken wholesale with the Republican Party, unless and until the GOP shows fealty to reason, and not to counterproductive meds.

In a scathing indictment of the GOP — and of American government writ large — The Economist concludes that America is “worse than Europe”… more dysfunctional than the EU, and more prone to disengagement from serious discourse. What’s more:

When the Republicans are a small government party, this newspaper has much sympathy for their views. As long as they remain the no-government one, it is not inclined to take a ride in their cab again.

That’s going to leave a mark.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: rhb

Rob is a NYC-based Internet entrepreneur. He's also a businessman and job creator (wait: doesn't demand create jobs?) who understands the sense, and the eventual predominance, of the progressive agenda.