Texans on Cruz: Love, Hate, Weird

Posted by | October 18, 2013 22:50 | Filed under: Politics Top Stories

There’s no such thing as a monolithic state, so we’re going to eschew generalities about Texas, although it’s difficult to remain sanguine after reading this.

The New York Times, in full shutdown-post-mortem bloom, rents a truck at Ryder and takes a spin through at least six miles of the Lone Star State, trolling for vibes. Feelings. Urges… about Senator Ted Cruz.

Its finger to the winds of attitudinal caprice, The Times concludes that Mr. Cruz is wildly more popular in Texas than he was a few short weeks ago. Popular enough that some guy who stands in weeds and builds word solvers out of styrofoam cups (above) says that he’s for Ted Cruz.

No poll accompanies this seminal study of Longhorn loyalty. But a poll isn’t useful, because it’s not about the heart.

But there does appear to be just a tad of dissension in the ranks; not everyone loves Senator Cruz, and not even every Republican. First, the good-soldier guy from the Houston suburbs weighs in:

“For a lot of us, this was refreshing,” said Mike Gibson, chairman of the Republican Party in Fort Bend County in suburban Houston. “We had a politician who said what he was going to do and then did it. Most Texas Republicans have been tired of our elected officials talking tough in Texas and then going to Washington and going along.”

Then, the highly distinguished guy-who-won’t-go-on-record sings his aria:

“I grit my teeth and bear it,” said a prominent Texas Republican, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he said he wanted to avoid an intraparty fight. “I really hope he implodes sooner rather than later.”

So there it is: a sample size of exactly three. Love him. Hate him. Make him from cups.

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By: rhb

Rob is a NYC-based Internet entrepreneur. He's also a businessman and job creator (wait: doesn't demand create jobs?) who understands the sense, and the eventual predominance, of the progressive agenda.