Ted Cruz’ Brilliant Plan: Fight Obamacare, Shut Down Military

Posted by | September 22, 2013 15:43 | Filed under: Contributors Politics Sandi Behrns

While some in the Republican party are betting on a complex and frankly unlikely plan to come out on top in this season’s budget battle with a win on spending levels and a delay in Obamacare implementation, Sen. Ted Cruz is working on his own dastardly scheme.

In a Sunday interview, Cruz told Fox News host Chris Wallace that Senate Republicans should stand together and refuse to vote for cloture by filibustering if Democrats added Obamacare funding to the bill.

“Any vote for cloture, any vote to allow Harry Reid to add funding to Obamacare with just a 51-vote threshold, a vote for cloture is a vote for Obamacare,” Cruz insisted. “And I think Senate Republicans are going to stand side-by-side with Speaker [John] Boehner and House Republicans, listening to the people and stopping this train wreck that is Obamacare.”

Wallace pressed Cruz on his “end game” …“Because the government is going to shut down a week from Monday,” the Fox News host pointed out.

“If Harry Reid kills the bill in the Senate, the House should hold its ground, and should begin passing smaller continuing resolutions, one department at a time,” Cruz explained. “It should start with a continuing resolution focused on the military.”

“Send it over, see if Harry Reid is willing to shut down the military,” he quipped.

Watch it for yourself. For bonus giggles, pay attention to Chris Wallace uncomfortably trying to explain Senate rules to Sen. Cruz.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Sandi Behrns

Sandi Behrns is a noted policy nerd, new media & web developer, and consultant to progressive organizations and campaigns. She is a senior contributor to Liberaland, and the Executive Editor of Progressive Congress News.