Limbaugh Brags That He Can Now Say ‘Nigga’ Because Of What Rachel Jeantel Says It Means

Posted by | July 17, 2013 13:28 | Filed under: Top Stories

Based on audio from a Piers Morgan interview, Limbaugh seems excited that he can now use a particular word. Limbaugh opined: “CNN informs us via Rachel Jeantel that Trayvon called Rachel and said that he was being followed by a “creepy ass cracka,” which we have now learned, that is a person acting like they are a police, like a security guard. So then, Piers Morgan, the ever-penetrating inquisitor, said, “So was there anything you wished you’d said when you were in there?” meaning as a witness on the stand.”  He then played an audio clip:



JEANTEL: People, the whole world say it’s a racist word. Mind you, around 2000, they changed it around, I think. It starts spelling “n-i-g-g-a.”

MORGAN: What does that mean to you, that way of spelling it? What does that word mean to you?

JEANTEL: That means a male.

MORGAN: A black male?

JEANTEL: No, any kind of male.

MORGAN: Black or white?

JEANTEL: Any kind. Chinese you can say “nigga.” That’s my Chino, “nigga.” They can say that.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.