Issa Calls Lerner Back, Says She Forfeited Fifth Amendment Rights, After Limbaugh Says Same Thing

Posted by | May 22, 2013 16:48 | Filed under: Top Stories

Rush Limbaugh criticized Darrell Issa for letting Lois Lerner get away, and says she forfeited her Fifth Amendment rights. Funny that suddenly Issa is saying the same thing.

“Issa basically let her get away with it,” the conservative talk show host said, according to a transcript. “She’s gone. He looked clueless, like didn’t know what was going on, didn’t know how to deal with this…

“She shows up and she makes a statement,” Limbaugh continued, referring to Issa’s actions at the earlier hearing. “She started her innocence, she denied doing anything wrong, and then says… ‘I’m not answering any questions,’ and Issa let her go. He asked her a couple of more questions. He seemed confused, turned off the mic, consulted his counsel behind him, and then came back and asked a couple more questions, and excused her.”

Limbaugh, echoing Issa’s later comments, argued that “once you assert your innocence and once you say you didn’t do anything wrong, you can’t then use the Fifth Amendment to say, ‘I’m not answering questions,’” he said. “Any good prosecutor — and that’s what Issa has to be. This is a congressional hearing.”

And now Darrell Issa is calling Lerner back and claiming she lost her Fifth Amendment rights.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.