How Many Kermit Gosnells Are There?

Posted by | April 29, 2013 13:16 | Filed under: Top Stories

Surely Kermit Gosnell isn’t the only abortion doctor with questionable practices.

An antiabortion activist appears to have videotaped a counselor at a Bronx clinic laughingly advising her not to trouble herself with the particulars of the late-term abortion that the woman, who was 23 weeks pregnant, said she wanted.

What if the baby were born alive at home once the process was set in motion? “If it comes out, then it comes out; flush it,’’ a counselor at the Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center answered the undercover activist on the tape. She’d been working at the clinic for nearly 11 years, she said — since she was only 16…

Since a grand jury first drew us a picture of his “house of horrors” clinic two years ago, abortion-rights activists have argued that that’s what happens when there are too few legitimate clinics, and no federal funding for abortions for poor women.

And, even though the anti-choice movement has tried to use the Gosnell case to its own political advantage, that is why this case is so important to the pro-choicers. Without enough options for poor women and a lack of federal funding, the Gosnells of the world are empowered.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.