Will Its Super Bowl Commercial Save The BackBerry?

Posted by | February 4, 2013 07:40 | Filed under: Top Stories

BlackBerry took a risk, telling consumers what its new model could not do, rather than what it could do.

Indeed, it’s a bold choice, one that some would argue might be a little head-scratching. But it’s one that BlackBerry Chief Marketing Officer Frank Boulben believes will turn some heads and get consumers primed for a launch that’s still more than a month away.

“The Super Bowl is a big wake-up call saying BlackBerry is back,” Boulben told CNET. “It says there’s something worth checking out.”

With the BlackBerry phones generally getting good reviews, much of the company’s success will ride on how well it markets the phone, and how strongly the carriers support it in their stories and with their sales reps. There are many examples of companies that failed despite great products and services, and BlackBerry is looking to avoid their past mistakes.

Which is where the Super Bowl ad comes in. Boulben says the commercial is a one-off event to take advantage of the Super Bowl’s massive reach. The commercial is basically everything Boulben has said he wouldn’t do for the campaign.

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.