Escorts Needed To Protect Women From Anti-Abortion Protesters Singing “Happy Birthday, Dead Baby”

Posted by | January 18, 2013 23:41 | Filed under: Top Stories

Volunteers in Alabama have been escorting women exercising their right to natal care since October. Pamela Watters, who helped organize the escorts,  explained what the escorts were up against.

Pro-choice marchers recalled a particularly painful event last month when a woman whose baby had died en utero was coming to the clinic to have it removed. In an awful coincidence, that was the day, Watters said, when the pro-life demonstrators collected a children’s choir on the sidewalk to sing “Happy Birthday Dead Baby” to anyone driving in.

“Will had to physically restrain the father,” Watters said, nodding to one of the men marching in a pro-choice jacket. “And by the time she walked through them, she was an emotional wreck.”

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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.