Walmart Now Saying It Accepts Biden’s Invitation To Gun Pow-wow

Posted by | January 9, 2013 09:14 | Filed under: Top Stories

WSJ reported:

The White House extended an invitation to Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to participate in a meeting Thursday focused on curbing gun violence, but the retailer declined due to a scheduling conflict, a company spokesman said.

John Aravosis observes:

Unless the Walmart execs already had a meeting schedule with the President of the United States at that same time, there’s really no “scheduling conflict” that out-conflicts the Vice President of the United States.

UPDATE: Looks like they changed their mind!



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Copyright 2013 Liberaland
By: dave-dr-gonzo

David Hirsch, a.k.a. Dave "Doctor" Gonzo*, is a renegade record producer, video producer, writer, reformed corporate shill, and still-registered lobbyist for non-one-percenter performing artists and musicians. He lives in a heavily fortified compound in one of Manhattan's less trendy neighborhoods.

* Hirsch is the third person to use the pseudonym, a not-so-veiled tribute to journalist and author Hunter S. Thompson, with the permission of his predecessors Gene Gaudette of American Politics Journal (currently webmaster and chief bottlewasher at Liberaland) and Stephen Meese at Smashmouth Politics.