Atheists And Skeptics Among The World’s Most Persecuted

Posted by | December 10, 2012 19:13 | Filed under: Top Stories

In at least seven countries, atheists can be executed if the government knows their views. The International Humanist and Ethical Union issued a report about “unbelievers.”

According to its survey of some 60 countries, the seven where expression of atheist views or defection from the official religion can bring capital punishment are Afghanistan, Iran, Maldives, Mauritania, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Sudan…

While freedom of religion and speech is protected in the United States, the report said, a social and political climate prevails “in which atheists and the non-religious are made to feel like lesser Americans, or non-Americans.”

In at least seven U.S. states, constitutional provisions are in place that bar atheists from public office and one state, Arkansas, has a law that bars an atheist from testifying as a witness at a trial, the report said.

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Copyright 2012 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.