Marco Rubio Says Homosexuality Is A Sin, But Won’t “Pass Judgment”

Posted by | December 6, 2012 16:25 | Filed under: Top Stories

If you’re gay, you’re a sinner, says Marco Rubio, even though he claims he isn’t passing judgment. Rubio spoke to Mike Allen of Politico.

ALLEN: Is homosexuality a sin?

RUBIO: Well, I can tell you what faith teaches and faith teaches that it is. And that’s what the Bible teaches and that’s what faith teaches. But it also teaches that there area bunch of other sins that are no less. For example, it teaches that lying is a sin. It teaches that disrespecting your parents is a sin. It teaches that stealing is a sin. It teaches that coveting your neighbor and what your neighbor has is a sin. So there isn’t a person in this room that isn’t guilty of sin. So, I don’t go around pointing fingers in that regard. I’m responsible for my salvation and I’m responsible for my family’s, and for inculcating in my family what our faith teaches, and they’ll become adults and decide how they want to apply that in life. As a policy maker, I could just tell you that I’m informed by my faith. And my faith informs me in who I am as a person — but not as a way to pass judgment on people.

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Copyright 2012 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.