Family Research Council Does Not Even Approve Of Fictional Gay People

Posted by | January 31, 2012 00:31 | Filed under: Top Stories

Submitted by Um Cara

There is a new MMO video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic (think ‘World of Warcraft’ or ‘Everquest’ – games where many thousands of people play online together). It is a role-playing game where your character develops various traits, abilities, and relationships as you progress in the game. The developer has stated that they will add the ability for same-sex characters to become romantically involved.

Apparently the FRC is worried that fictional game characters will go to hell if they become romantically involved with other fictional game characters of the same sex, and they would like real live people to be upset about it.

In a new Star Wars game, the biggest threat to the empire may be homosexual activists! Hello, I’m Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. In a galaxy not so far far away, Star Wars gamers have already gone to the dark side. The new video game, Star Wars: The Old Republic, has added a special feature: gay relationships…On the game’s website, there are more than 300 pages of comments–a lot of them expressing anger that their kids will be exposed to this Star Warped way of thinking. You can join them by logging on and speaking up. It’s time to show companies who the Force is really with!

I’m sure the Emperor would approve of folks giving in to their fear, anger and hatred and be driven to protest this game, but thankfully he is fictional too.

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