Anti-Abortionist Randall Terry Sponsoring Fetus Ads During Super Bowl

Posted by | January 12, 2012 13:38 | Filed under: Top Stories

Anti-abortion activist Randall Terry raised money to sponsor ads showing fetuses to run during the Super Bowl.

According to the “prototype” on his website, the ads will feature Terry’s favorite aesthetic – bloody pictures of fetuses, some of questionable origin and the rest from later-term abortions that are generally medically necessary. This is the sort of thing that would usually get the ads rejected from this kind of prime-time event: as a general rule, broadcasters frown on using pictures of surgery as a cheap attention-grabbing ploy, fearing, rightfully, that viewers will flip the channel rather than look at it. (Anti-choicers pretend that people do this because they feel guilty or ashamed, but people are probably just as quick to turn away from gruesome pictures of knee surgery as abortions.)

Even if Terry could refrain from his desperate grabs for attention through grossness, TV stations would probably prefer not to work with him. Terry’s history of associating with at least one anti-abortion terrorist invites the sort of controversy TV stations try to avoid, especially during the Super Bowl.

Unfortunately, Terry made these stations an offer they can’t refuse. Terry managed to exploit federal election law that requires local TV stations to run ads for any candidate running in a state primary in the 45 days preceding that primary. Since Terry is running a primary challenge to Barack Obama, he was able to exploit this law to run his ads

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Copyright 2012 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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