Ron Paul Echoes Rand: Would Have Voted Against 1964 Civil Rights Act

Posted by | May 13, 2011 18:43 | Filed under: Top Stories

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said during his campaign he would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. His father, Ron, now running for president, told Chris Matthews he would have done the same thing.

Ron, like his son, said that his statement about the Civil Rights Act has nothing to do with the law’s intentions — i.e. ending institutionalized discrimination in a wide swath of American life including in the public accommodations where African Americans were denied service at the height of the Jim Crow era. Paul said he would vote against the law because it imposed unfair rules on what private business owners can and can’t do on their own property. Essentially, they should be free to discriminate if they wish, Paul says. However distasteful that may be.

Paul believes the Jim Crow laws would have ended without legislating them away.

I believe that property rights should be protected. Your right to be on tv is protected by property rights because somebody owns that station. I can’t walk into your station. so right of freedom of speech is protected by property. The right of your church is protected by property. So people should honor and protect it. This gimmick, Chris, it’s off the wall when you say I’m for property rights and states rights therefore I’m a racist. That’s just outlandish.

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Copyright 2011 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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