Plurality Of Republicans Think Obama Not Born In America

Posted by | April 21, 2011 10:38 | Filed under: Top Stories

The New York Times/CBS poll is a big problem for the Republican Party. Besides the lack of enthusiasm for any candidate, 47% of Republicans believe President Obama was born elsewhere, while 22% don’t know, and 32% believe he was born in Hawaii (h/t Political Wire). This makes the majority of them look ignorant, and leaves them susceptible to the political hucksters who are sucking all the air out of the national dialogue.

When Republicans were asked whom they were most enthusiastic about, Mr. Huckabee was the second-most-mentioned candidate, after Mr. Romney. But the percentages were small: 8 percent named Mr. Huckabee, 9 percent named Mr. Romney and 57 percent could not name anyone.

How well a candidate is known at this stage of a campaign is not necessarily a reflection of where they will stand when the race engages in earnest. For instance, at this point four years ago, 77 percent of Republicans surveyed by The New York Times and CBS News said they did not know enough about Mr. Romney to form an opinion of him. Yet he was one of the better-known candidates by the time he dropped out in February 2008.

Independents, who are required supporters for anyone who seeks the presidency, are not going to support fringe right-wing candidates. When is the GOP going to start getting serious?

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Copyright 2011 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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