Wonkette Thinks It’s Okay To Mock Trig Palin. Bulletin: It’s Not

Posted by | April 20, 2011 18:43 | Filed under: Top Stories

I am clearly not a Sarah Palin fan. And I don’t like that she uses her family as political props; woe to anyone who criticizes them, even if they put themselves out there as paid advocates for celibacy (after not being celibate) and go on dance shows. (Thankfully, Jennifer Grey won.)

However, the political satire site Wonkette did something truly despicable by mocking Trig Palin on his third birthday. I’m not going to link to it.  Calling a Down Syndrome child “Reagan II” while presenting a montage that also features a bottomless Sarah Palin pole dancing while gyrating toward an image of her child is the attention-getting graphic. Then comes the reprehensible copy:

Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history.

Next comes a poem written to Trig that mentions him dreaming. Then the post, written by Jack Stuef, proclaims, “What’s he dreaming about? He’s retarded.” So, let’s joke about incest and the disabled. This is the kind of stuff that makes birthers look sane. And then there is the implication that Sarah Palin caused her child to be born with Down Syndrome. I’m quite familiar with the ramifications of such a baseless accusation, as I was falsely accused of saying that Palin’s actions led to her child’s condition. I quickly put up a post explaining that I was critical of Palin’s decision to travel from Texas to Alaska after contractions began and water broke and that I was in no way relating her actions to her child’s condition. Wonkette goes where I did not:

His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive,” writes Wonkette operative “Barbara_i,” reminding us of the occasion.

Alex Alvarez at Mediaite rightfully takes Wonkette to task for its vile take. Tommy Christopher works to get Wonkette’s side of the story.

In what galaxy is this funny? Or even satire?  Go after Sarah Palin if you must. She’s a public figure. Attack an adult. Lash out at someone your own size. Or maybe that’s what they were doing.

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Copyright 2011 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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