Palin Book Attacks Obama’s Love Of America

Posted by | November 24, 2010 09:36 | Filed under: Top Stories

Sarah Palin’s new book is short on policy, but long on attacks; however, unlike her last book which attacked the McCain campaign, this tome is an anti-Obama screed, recycling many of the attacks the president faced when he ran for the Oval Office. Obama’s name appears 44 times in the book, 8 of which involve the anti-reform term “Obamacare.” Many of the attacks center around Palin’s belief that Obama doesn’t love his country.  (For those unsure which country, that would be America.)

She says Mr. Obama and the Democratic party thinks “something is wrong with our country and what we value. So they are hell-bent on changing it.”

She accuses Mr. Obama of favoring judges who will follow their hearts rather than the law…

Ms. Palin repeatedly questions Mr. Obama’s love of country, saying at one point that some people believe America is a fundamentally unjust and unequal country. “Barack Obama seems to believe this, too,” Ms. Palin writes. She also recalls the story from the 2008 campaign about First Lady Michelle Obama’s comments that she “never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections.”

Ms. Palin also objects to what she sees as the president’s tendency to apologize to foreign leaders…

Ms. Palin appears disturbed by Mr. Obama’s answer to a question about “American exceptionalism,” [saying]“when President Obama insists that all countries are exceptional, he’s saying that none is, least of all the country he leads.”

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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