Sarah Palin Says Daugher Bristol A Better Role Model Than Murphy Brown

Posted by | November 18, 2010 18:19 | Filed under: Top Stories

According to her forthcoming book, parts of which are starting to leak like a BP oil spill, Sarah Palin puts her daughter Bristol’s morals against those of Murphy Brown, the fictional character once played by Candice Bergen.

Which is the more courageous course for a young, single mother: to sit down and shut up and avoid the critics, or to speak out in a painfully honest way about how tough single parenting is? I’m biased of course, but given a choice of role models between Bristol and Murphy Brown, I choose Bristol.

Let’s not forget that, unlike the real Bristol Palin, the fictional Murphy Brown was a grown woman when she became pregnant and decided to raise the child alone when the father wasn’t interested. In 1992, then-Vice President Dan Quayle criticized the character for “ignoring the importance of fathers by birthing a child alone.” Too bad “Murphy Brown” isn’t on the air anymore to take on this culture war like it did when it incorporated footage of Quayle’s speech in an episode dealing with his remarks.

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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