How Universal Meditation Can Pay For The Public Option

Posted by | March 2, 2010 21:35 | Filed under: Top Stories

If meditation is truly good for your being, and it cuts down on the need for medication, surgery, hospitalization and doctor visits, that seems like a pretty good deal, says T. Goodman at Inventorspot.

Stress has a major impact on disease, and meditation has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety in study after study by lowering oxygen consumption, heart rate, blood pressure, blood cortisol levels, and galvanic skin response (GSR)…. all physiological measurements of stress that are disease preventing. Though meditation affects other physiological functions, just the big five I cited, if not controlled, are factors in heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, cancer, asthma… and many more conditions.

Here’s how it would work:

So, if all of us who want health insurance practiced meditation, there would be fewer sick people. Fewer people needing drugs for physical or mental health

conditions, fewer students needing to take pills that make them smarter or calm them down, fewer sleeping pills, fewer pain pills, fewer addictions… fewer needs for health care.

Those receiving medication or medical care would combine them with meditation practice and would get better faster or would have a better quality of life and, therefore, demand less from the health care system.

The ‘Public Option’ would not only pay for itself, it would reduce all insurance costs, if people were not getting sick. All employer-supported insurance policies would cost less if all employees were required to practice meditation. It’s not that hard….

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Copyright 2010 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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