Every Breath You Take; Every Move You Make

Posted by | December 14, 2009 11:19 | Filed under: Top Stories

You are being watched right now. Social networking sites greatly aid the government in tracking down tax cheats and other delinquents.  Mediaite asks if the CIA is monitoring your Facebook and Twitter pages.


…a lot of people volunteer a LOT of information about themselves, albeit at 140 characters or less. Also, watch out who you friend! Apparently there are undercover agents in disguise roaming unsuspecting Facebookers.


As the New York Times said over the weekend:

The government is increasingly monitoring Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites for tax delinquents, copyright infringers and political protesters…In some cases, the government appears to be engaged in deception. The Boston Globe recently quoted a Massachusetts district attorney as saying that some police officers were going undercover on Facebook as part of their investigations.


Wired magazine reported last month that In-Q-Tel, an investment arm of the Central Intelligence Agency, has put money into Visible Technologies, a software company that crawls across blogs, online forums, and open networks like Twitter and YouTube to monitor what is being said.


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Copyright 2009 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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