I Don’t Wanna Go On With You Like That

Posted by | April 9, 2008 01:05 | Filed under: Hate Mail


From: Spence
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 4:33 PM

To: Alan
Subject: Poor Alan


Do you really believe some of the positions you take, or is it just the rules of the show i.e. left/right?
I’m assuming you just drew the short straw because no sane thinking person could possibly believe the wacky arguments you put forth.
Either way could you at least have the producers post a spew alert before you make some of your sillier comments.
I passed 1/2 a cheese sandwich through my nose the other night.

Thanks in advance,

From: Don
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:11 PM
To: Alan
Subject: definition of win

It has been defined about a thousand times, what winning in Iraq is. Where have you been? Are you lying about the lack of definition or did you really miss every one of the thousand times it has been concisely and clearly defined? If you did miss every one why should your clearly uninfomed opinion count for anything? If you are lying then you must be a Democrat… oh….never mind.

From: Joe
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:21 PM
To: Alan
Subject: rockefeller

You poor old faggot looking bastard that appears to be eat up with aids. Some one should run over ass crossing the street and cut the damn throat of rockefeller. You both are low life and scumbag sons of bitches. I despise mccain, but rockefeller is as fucking dumb as kennedy.

From: Joni
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:25 PM
To: Alan
Subject: MOVE

You know Alan, why don’t you move to whatever country you feel would fit your ideals and take all the filthy Left Wing Liberal Friends with you. You know Sean says things to, but al least he doesn’t sound like you…I don’t think you like America. I feel you are a Socialist Pig. So, in the long run….what are you????
Oh, and no I am not projecting….but you sure do, and one day someone is going to slap you a long side of your head.

From: Jackie
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:34 PM
To: Alan
Subject: RE: OPINION!!

You can dish it out when it’s OUR side….but you sure CAN’T TAKE IT WHEN IT’S “YOUR SIDE”!!! You and your kind are so hateful about OUR country. You deeply OFFEND ME!!!! And I would gladly give YOU AND YOUR KIND prepaid tickets to LEAVE THIS COUNTRY THAT YOU DISLIKE SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!..You damn dems don’t have a good word to say about OUR COUNTRY (not YOURS)!!! I wish you would take your wimpy ass and all the other ASSES of your party, and go live somewhere else. In fact if we could get rid of all of you, WE could bring this country back to what it used to be!!!!!!…but because of all your LIBERAL ideals, you’re pretty much trying to take our wonderful country, down the sewer, where all of you stay. JUST DO US A FOVOR AND TAKE YOU AND YOUR KIND, AND LEAVE!!!!!!!! You libs don’t have any clue what PATRIOTISM is………let alone what it means….you make me SICK!!!!!!!!!!

From: Ronna
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 10:41 PM
To: Alan
Subject: re

Allan are you an atheist, you should decide to go to a different country the way you talk about this country. you are discusting.

From: Garret
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:48 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Colmes & Phil Donohue anti-war rant

I usually find Colmes bearly tolerable. This is a free country and he is entitled to his opinions. The combination of Colmes & Donohue made me sick to my stomach.
How can folks like Obama, Donohue, and Colmes apparently hate the very country that has given them so much?

From: Morris
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 9:55 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Phil Donahue

Finally, someone as completely ignorant and brainless as you is a guest on your show. Maybe the two of you ought to start your own show.

From: Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 10:09 PM
To: Alan
Subject: Loving America

Mr. Colmes –

I just listened to you joking about what you would name your own Fox show; you stated, “Colmes Hates America.” I, for one, thought it was rather funny. Although I am a conservative and have a certain difference of ideology than you and liberals, I would never suggest that you actually “hate” America. It would take something severe for me to translate someone’s freedom of speech into hatred for their nation. No, I don’t think you hate America. I do think you’re not as intelligent as you would like to believe and have others believe. There is no way a truly learned person – someone who actually researches matters about which they speak – could put forth the nonsense that you do on a continuous basis. You’re stupid – but I don’t believe you hate your country.

Thanks for listening,


From: Alan
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 11:03 PM
To: Morgan
Subject: RE: Loving America

Thank you so much for acknowledging that I’m just stupid, not an America hater. It really warms my heart.

From: George
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 10:10 PM
To: Alan
Subject: question for myself

Why are you such a frichen dumbass? Do they pay you to be so stupid or are you really so stupid?

From: Reena
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 10:46 PM
To: ALan
Subject: gingriched……………….

It was so good to see Speaker Gingrich ( once again) put you in your place. He did it with such ease…..I dont watch much anymore….I listen to Hannity on the radio and watch him on Sun. nights. I can’t take you but I love Hannity…..

From: Alan
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 11:55 PM
To: Reena
Subject: RE: gingriched……………….

Yes, you’re very obviously not watching.

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Copyright 2008 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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