Does Mitt Romney Know What He’s Talking About?

Posted by | December 28, 2007 11:02 | Filed under: Top Stories

from Newshounds:

Colmes: “You said a couple of times today, including just a few moments ago to Rich (Lowry) that a good president’s gonna have people in State he or she can depend on and State Department knows what foreign policy is. State Department – our State Department – back in October, when Bhutto was going back (to Pakistan) was saying, ‘You know this is possibly a recipe for disaster because her turbulent past would further inflame an already volatile country.’ Should the president have listened to those bureaucrats at State who were saying those things?”

Romney: “Well, of course, any president is going to listen to the widest array of voices about the risks inherent in any potential strategy. You know, in a setting like this, you’re not looking for a person who has all the answers, themselves. Instead, you’re looking for an individual who knows how to make very difficult decisions, based upon gathering data and analysis directly from the scene, gathering information from people who have extensive experience in the region, first hand contact with leaders in other parts of the world, and then looking at different options and selecting which option is the best, based upon that analysis. And that’s the process you want to see. And that’s the process I’ve engaged in the business world, at the Olympics, and as a governor.”

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Copyright 2007 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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