Why women regret one-night stands more than men

Posted by | January 19, 2017 18:00 | Filed under: Planet

Women have more regret than man about casual sex.

The study, published online in Evolutionary Psychology, revealed that a larger proportion of women than men regretted the last time they had casual sex. Based on a survey of 263 Norwegian students aged 19 to 37, around 35 percent of women regretted their last one-night stand, compared to only 20 percent of men. In addition, about 30 percent of women in Norway reported that they were happy about their most recent casual sex experience, compared to over 50 percent of the men. On the other hand, more men expressed regret at having declined a recent one-night stand opportunity. An overwhelming 80 percent of women expressed happiness at saying no to their last casual sex offer, but only 43 percent of men felt the same…

“Men enjoy casual sex considerably more, but this doesn’t explain the gender difference in regret, because gender is the most important influencing factor for both orgasm probability and sexual regret after casual sex,” explained Professor Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, a researcher involved with the study, in a recent statement.

So if it’s not orgasm or societal expectations, what could it be? According to the researchers, it may be based on evolutionary pressure that caused men and women to value different aspects of a sexual experience. Women value quality in a sexual partner whereas men value quantity of sex.

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Copyright 2017 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

5 responses to Why women regret one-night stands more than men

  1. Budda January 19th, 2017 at 18:07

    Regrets? Not unless there is positive results from the clinic.

    • arc99 January 19th, 2017 at 18:59


      in all my life of 64+ years, I got lucky in a bar exactly once in downtown San Francisco.

      no regrets whatsoever. in fact, that night is one of the more memorable evenings of my life as a single man. The next morning, SHE said she really did not want to get involved in any kind of real relationship.

      • Mensa Member January 20th, 2017 at 09:59

        Here is my observation — sexual regret has a lot to do with quantity.

        I suppose I’m being obvious. Of course, “too much” varies by person. But, only rarely have I heard someone regret a single consensual sexual encounter, if there were no STD’s or whatever.

        Didn’t Alan run a story about the ideal number of sexual partners in a lifetime? It was a relatively low number but it wasn’t 1.

        And, I remember thinking it was probably the mode number for the people I know.

  2. bpollen January 20th, 2017 at 07:05

    I really wouldn’t like a woman regretting having sex with me – but I’m willing to suffer!

  3. Mensa Member January 20th, 2017 at 09:49

    People have called BS on me about this but… I have never been very interested in casual sex.

    I guess my brain is wired more like a typical woman, that way.

    When I think about having sex, it’s with a person… not just a body.

    Some of my buddies think I’m just saying this because “chicks dig that stuff” but I’m telling the truth. I’ve never had casual sex, even in my most hormonal youth. (and it’s not for lack of opportunity;-)

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