Study: More guns leads to more suicides

Posted by | May 21, 2016 12:26 | Filed under: News Behaving Badly

Gun violence is an ongoing issue in the United States and one that gets put under the microscope every time a mass shooting occurs, which is all too often. Although homicide rates tend to be the focus of anti-gun rhetoric, guns are used even more frequently in suicides. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported…


By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

4 responses to Study: More guns leads to more suicides

  1. Dwendt44 May 21st, 2016 at 20:31

    The mud slinging by the NRA begins in 3…2….1…..

    • Kristymwilson4 May 22nd, 2016 at 01:41

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  2. TKList May 21st, 2016 at 21:10

    As long as there are people willing to kill people, people will need the right to be armed.

    We have the 2nd Amendment not to protect against the fools we have voted for now, but in case we vote for Mussolini or Hitler like fools in the future.

    Most gun deaths are from:
    2006 Total (30896)
    55% Suicides (16992)
    41% Homicides (12667)
    2% Unintentional (accidents) (618)
    1% Legal Intervention (309)
    1% Other (309)

    2010 Total (31,076)
    62% Suicides (19392)
    35 % Homicides (11,078)
    2% Unintentional (accidents) (606)

    Better mental health is the best way to decrease suicides.

    Solutions to gun violence:
    1. Remove public-sector gun free zones.
    2. Enact better mental health laws and treatment. (Mandatory treatment for those adjudicated violent mentally ill.)
    3. End the drug war and decriminalize drugs.

    Allow teachers to be armed if they wish. Require they are trained.

    We know what happened to unarmed Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks in Ottoman Empire/Turkey during WWI.

    We know what happened to the unarmed Jews in Europe during WWII.

    We know what happened to unarmed Cambodians in Cambodia during the 1970’s.

    We know what happened and is happening to unarmed Darfurians in Darfur.

    We know what happened to unarmed Tutsi in Rwanda.

    We know what is happening to the unarmed in Africa today.

    We know what is happening to the unarmed in the Middle East today.

    How is the liberal agenda of disarming America still a thing?


    • OldLefty May 21st, 2016 at 21:18

      We have the 2nd amendment to raise a well regulated militia in place of a standing army.
      If you need to fight an elected leader you better have fighter jets and Bradley tanks.

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