Cole: Hillary goes full neocon at AIPAC

Posted by | March 22, 2016 10:11 | Filed under: Opinion Politics

Juan Cole:

Clinton used her speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee meeting, the gathering of some of the most powerful lobbyists in Washington, to lambaste Donald Trump for saying he’d try to be neutral in heading up negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Donald Trump should be lambasted. He is wrong on everything most of every day. But, like a clock, he is right twice a day and this a point on which he is correct. The US cannot be an honest broker in the Mideast conflict if it is more Israeli than the Israelis, which it typically is. Palestinian negotiators over the years complained that they’d get an Israeli proposal, then go to the US to tweak it, and get back the same proposal from Dennis Ross or some other American partisan of Israel who had been put in a position to shape negotiations on the American side.


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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

55 responses to Cole: Hillary goes full neocon at AIPAC

  1. DogsRgoodpeople March 22nd, 2016 at 11:08

    there is no reason the US should be sucking up to Israel.

    • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 17:19

      It is an election season. It is always done.

      • DogsRgoodpeople March 22nd, 2016 at 23:30

        yeah , I get. it’s fine with you that Hillary is a suck up.

        • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 23:34

          President Obama and the others before him did the same exact thing. They deal with Israel in their own way when they get into office, either supporting them fully or not, like PO.

  2. tracey marie March 22nd, 2016 at 11:27

    Juan also is part f a group that translate “American Democracy” into many arabic languages to show how American democracy is the end all be all. He is part of the bahia religion of 5 million who believe in equality, American style.

  3. oldfart March 22nd, 2016 at 12:25

    Considering the financial support the US also gives the UN, I’d be inclined to let the UN deal with Israel for the time being, if only to get our monies worth out of it.
    (and most definitely keeping a potential tRump presidency out of it)
    IMO, The political establishments here in the US are clearly not lending themselves to be an “honest broker” nor is Mr. Yahoo doing anyone (other than himself) any favors by his previous and current antics.
    Never mind that the entire middle east is a mess right now.
    Isn’t this situation one of the reasons the UN was created for ?

  4. Um Cara March 22nd, 2016 at 13:38

    Hillary’s supporters are comforted by the idea that we won’t be changing America’s neo-con ways, as changing such policies are a “loony left” idea. We are going to continue being a conservative leaning nation under Hillary, just like under Obama, but at least we won’t be loony-right as we would under a prez Cruz.

    • rg9rts March 22nd, 2016 at 15:10

      And maybe Bibi will keep his nose out of american policy making

      • Kick Frenzy March 22nd, 2016 at 15:10

        Lol… good one.

        • rg9rts March 22nd, 2016 at 15:11

          Sometimes I can’t stop myself….LOL

    • Gina Bousquet March 22nd, 2016 at 15:49

      Thank you for having heard it from an American.

      • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 17:14

        That comment is not really meant to be nice. It insults PO and HRC as being conservative. That is what Sander’s supporters do to be insulting while hiding it in an attack on the right wing to look good.

        • Um Cara March 22nd, 2016 at 17:52

          It’s not meant as an insult, she’s a moderate conservative. I’m not one who thinks being a conservative and being a bad person are the same thing.

          • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 17:56

            She is a liberal Democrat and is slightly conservative on some issues regarding national security, which is good.

            • Um Cara March 22nd, 2016 at 19:31

              She is a liberal Democrat


              and is slightly conservative on some issues regarding national security,

              Agree (won’t quibble over ‘slightly’)

              which is good.


              So we agree on two out of three of those statements & we disagree on whether the Democratic party is conservative or not. That’s cool, folks can disagree – I’m not sure why stating my opinion means I’m ‘insulting’ Obama or Clinton by expressing it.

              • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 20:49

                I guess you are going to claim that you don’t remember Sanders spending all of his time trying to re-brand HRC for months at the beginning of his campaign. Only HE was the true liberal or progressive enough and his followers all burped that out everywhere they went.
                Your comment was more of the same, just veiled so as to not look bad. HRC and PO are not conservatives. I’m not sure if you read the reply I sent you after our last discussion that explains emoprogs? Certain comments by those who support Sanders come very close or spot on to that.

                • Um Cara March 22nd, 2016 at 22:14

                  I guess you are going to claim that you don’t remember Sanders spending all of his time trying to re-brand HRC for months at the beginning of his campaign.

                  Guess away, I suppose. Though if you want to engage in conversation, you could just ask me. I’m pretty much an open book.

                  I think Bernie legitimately thinks Hillary isn’t very liberal, that he would be a better president, and that he should make his case.

                  I think Hillary thinks Bernie wouldn’t be an effective president, wouldn’t be able to get stuff done, and that she would make a better president & that she should make her case.

                  I think they’ve both been making their cases, I’ve been a bit irritated by both, occasionally – but when contrasted with the R camp they seem like angels (not that I am in ANY WAY suggesting that making those R clowns the basis of whether folks are acting right is a good idea). Neither of them has attacked the other with the veracity that the R candidate will attack the D victor, they are made of sturdy stuff – they can both survive this part of the process.

                  Whichever candidate wins, all of us on the side of goodness and light, whether they be liberals, democrats, liberal democrats, conservative liberals, independent liberal democrats, liberal conservative democrat independents, or whatever – damn well better get behind whoever is the D nominee – because if one of the two remaining Rs wins I don’t know that we will have a chance to argue amongst ourselves four years later. We’ll probably be too busy trying to figure out out to best prepare irradiated cockroaches.

                  Your comment was more of the same, just veiled so as to not look bad.

                  Not trying to ‘veil’ anything, I’ve been consistent and up front w/ my opinions & where they come from. Is there something specific I have stated that you think is supposed to be some kind of hidden message? If so, please tell me & I will attempt to clarify.

                  I’m not sure if you read the reply I sent you after our last discussion that explains emoprogs?

                  I did read it – but then weekend hit & I never remembered to reply. I hadn’t heard the term ’emoprog’ prior to that – thanks for the information.

                  • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 23:07

                    I have to up-vote you on this reply. I like your humor and some of your points. I had never heard of emoprogs before either. It was very informative and I’m sure you have run across them, just as I have.

                    The hidden message is this: We are going to continue being a conservative leaning nation under Hillary, just like under Obama.

                    PO has pulled the nation to the left and she will continue that.

                    • Um Cara March 25th, 2016 at 11:26

                      Sorry for the slow reply, busy work stuff…

                      The hidden message is this: We are going to continue being a conservative leaning nation under Hillary, just like under Obama.

                      No secrets/hidden message – I firmly believe it. I also believe it’s important NOT to elect one of the R clowns or we will not just continue to be conservative leaning, but will rapidly move even further to the right. Something Obama has helped avoid, and I believe Clinton would too.

                      PO has pulled the nation to the left and she will continue that.

                      President Obama DID surprise me a bit with a couple liberal moves, I am very proud of him for his work in reducing mandatory minimums, and bringing up prison reform. I should mention that more often. Hillary might surprise me as well. Though in general I expect her to move to the left when pulled (like her position on same sex marriage), not for her to pull the nation left (like she tried a couple decades ago on health care reform & got burned).

                      I have to up-vote you on this reply. I like your humor and some of your points.


                    • mistlesuede March 25th, 2016 at 11:59

                      No problem. I’d already forgotten about the conversation.
                      I’m very proud of President Obama for everything he has accomplished under such horrible obstruction. He’s been a President for all of the people, even though so many have no clue that he has because the only emotion they feel is hate.
                      It will be the same for HRC, if she wins. She will be navigating through lots of crap but trying to get things accomplished that will help all of the people in the nation, not just one ideology. I feel very comfortable knowing that she is ready to put her hip waders on and jump right in on day one.

  5. rg9rts March 22nd, 2016 at 15:09

    Take that Bibi…and your conservative lovers

  6. Kick Frenzy March 22nd, 2016 at 15:20

    Dear Hillary,

    A president would know that these issues are more nuanced than just blind, complete support of Israel.
    There is some amount of support needed on both sides of this issue and your current rhetoric matches your record of ignoring the bad plays by Israel and the needs of the Palestinians.

    Maybe it’s time for you to bow out and support the candidate that not only has the best chance at beating the Republican candidate in November, but also has better foresight and judgement on foreign and international issues.


    • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 17:11

      LMAO! Sanders didn’t even bother to take time off from the campaign trail to address AIPAC! At least she had the brains to go there and tell them what they want to hear. It’s called politics. PO did it well and she will too.
      You should really sign these stupid letters you write with your own name since you don’t speak for everyone. I’m not surprised you think that you do. Sanders supporters are quite arrogant.

      • DogsRgoodpeople March 22nd, 2016 at 23:28

        “At least she had the brains to go there and tell them what they want to hear.”
        Jesus lady , really ??? That’s what you not just accept but expect from your candidate ? That’s disgusting .

        • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 23:36

          It’s amazing what people find disgusting. Politics isn’t beanbag and it ain’t always pretty. Perhaps you should stay away from it if you are such a wimp.

          • DogsRgoodpeople March 22nd, 2016 at 23:45

            I think it would be better for America if voters demanded candidates with integrity not promote suck ups that “say what they want to hear”. Hence I ask that you voluntarily forfeit you right to vote , since you have no integrity, how will you recognize in another ?

            • mistlesuede March 22nd, 2016 at 23:47

              F*ck off wimp. Grow a brain and watch the adults do the job.

          • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 17:48

            Actually, Hillary is the wimp in this.
            Instead of speaking from personal conviction, she spoke from a pander box (like a soap box, but used to tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear).
            There was no courage in what Hillary did at AIPAC, anybody can get in front of that crowd and say “Israel needs money and power and the full unblinking support of the USA!”.

            • mistlesuede March 23rd, 2016 at 22:59

              It’s called respect. You do have to deal with foreign leaders and certain constituencies. It’s part of the deal. This shows who the real leader is. I suspect Hillary is capturing more of the Jewish vote than the old Jew is. What she decides to do for Israel if she wins is up to her, but for now she did the right thing.

              • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 23:48

                You call pandering to the Jewish audience, and Israel, respect?

                I think respect is treating others like adults.
                I think it’s Sanders position of trying to look at both sides and come up with something that results in peace, instead of just treating all of them like unworthy of consideration, is more respectful of the people and the region.

                Sorry, but I have to disagree… I don’t think she did the “right thing” at all.
                Unless you mean “the right thing for her campaign”, in which case, sure… I suppose she did do that.

      • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 18:05

        You’re right, he didn’t take time off his campaign trail to trek out to AIPAC.
        All the pandering candidates did.

        What he did do was to offer to address AIPAC by video link, but they denied that offer after changing their policy.
        A policy which previously allowed Romney, Gingrich and other Republican candidates to do address AIPAC remotely in 2012… and let Bibi address them remotely yesterday morning (although that doesn’t seem like a surprise).

        But you’ve listed part of the problem with Hillary.
        She’s playing politics.

        The thing is, Sanders isn’t playing at all.
        He’s damn serious.

        As for my letters, I would assume you can understand I don’t really think I’m speaking for America, but that who I sign those letters as are as implied commentary.
        Your snide remarks about me being a Sanders supporter and thinking I speak for everyone just goes to illustrate how you are guilty of the very thing you claim Sanders supporters do.
        So maybe try backing off the those idiotic comments when they’re so entirely uncalled for.
        Either that or get a mirror.

        • mistlesuede March 23rd, 2016 at 23:02

          Why would I “get a mirror?” I didn’t write that crap! LMAO
          You signed it “America.”
          When you see me post a stupid letter and sign it “America”, then we’ll talk.
          Arrogance=Sanders supporters. You just proved it again, and again, and again.

          • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 23:52

            Please, stop proving how wrong you are and how much more Hillary supporters are wont to be the arrogant ones.

            I didn’t sign it “America” because I thought I was speaking for everyone.
            I signed it that way because it was a commentary on how America needs a president that considers all angles instead of just the one that’s popular with voters.

            The point about the mirror is that you’re the one throwing shade at me and Sanders supporters in general.
            I, on the other hand, have done no such thing.

            If you want to debate something, that’s cool.
            If you’re just going to call me names and make fun of Sanders and his supporters, I can do that too… but I’m holding back because these comment threads don’t have claws anywhere near as sharp as what I’ve debated with in some forums.

            • mistlesuede March 24th, 2016 at 00:03

              Then you would have signed your own name if those were your thoughts. When you sign something with someone else’s name it infers that that is their thoughts. If I write something here and sign your name to it, it would mean that I felt those were your thoughts. I’d never do that. It’s that simple. “Americans” means all Americans.
              I have seen more than my share of arrogance in Sanders supporters. This site has been better than most, but this example with you and the one below where some a-hole tells me I shouldn’t vote totally confirms the arrogance. And those are only two examples of what I’ve seen here recently.
              Again, when you find an actual insult I’ve made towards you or where I’ve signed something with someone else’s name, let me know.

              • Kick Frenzy March 24th, 2016 at 00:22

                First of all, whoever told you not to vote is wrong.
                I want people to vote for Sanders, but I also hope that people get out to vote period.
                Our voter turnout in this country is despicable and I want as many people to vote as possible… the entire eligible voting populace would be great.

                As for insults, calling my “letter” stupid and calling me arrogant are both insults.
                But I’ve decided to try to stay on message, since your insults are pretty weak and baseless.

                When you tell me my letter is stupid and that it somehow means something I didn’t mean, all it tells me is that you probably watched The Colbert Report and wondered why a Republican had a show on Comedy Central… or maybe you think Amy Schumer is a misogynistic man.
                The point here being, you don’t get it and I don’t feel like explaining it to you.

                • mistlesuede March 24th, 2016 at 00:31

                  Exactly. I called the letter stupid. I never said YOU are stupid. And this is what I said about arrogance. “Sanders supporters tend to be quite arrogant at times.” I just gave you two great examples of it.
                  I have no friggin idea WTF you are talking about in that second to last paragraph. I do think it exposes some other kind of problems you have of which I don’t care about. Like this “conversation.”

                  • Kick Frenzy March 24th, 2016 at 02:51

                    Yes, you called the letter stupid, but the manner in which you addressed it was to imply it was my lack of ability that produced a “stupid letter” due to my arrogance, because I’m a Sanders supporter.

                    As for what you don’t understand… yeah, I know.
                    That was my point.

                    • mistlesuede March 24th, 2016 at 09:05

                      More arrogance. BIG surprise.

    • Gina Bousquet March 22nd, 2016 at 17:49

      Do you know this article? It shows the courage I never saw in an American President concerning foreign policy.

      • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 17:44

        I hadn’t seen that article yet, thanks!
        I just read most of it and boy oh boy, that’s a well written piece that I’m sure Hillary and her followers are probably happy that it never got much attention.

        • Gina Bousquet March 23rd, 2016 at 18:02

          You’re welcome! It’s remarkable really.

          • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 18:06

            It really, really is.
            If voters actually paid attention to the entire history of candidates, I have to imagine many Hillary supporters would quickly change their minds.

            • Gina Bousquet March 23rd, 2016 at 18:51

              Hillary’s and Bernie’s voters have points of view worlds apart when foreign policy is concerned, among other matters.

              • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 19:16

                True enough, but I contend that there are a lot of Hillary supporters who don’t know much about her foreign policy… they’re just on the “first woman president” bandwagon and using “she’s been around a long time” as evidence that she’s ready for the job.

                I don’t know if it’s close to “most” supporters, and probably not, but I’m guessing there would be a noticeable amount of defectors if they knew all there is to know.
                And that’s not just for foreign relations, that’s for almost any point that they believe in her for and how she has flip-flopped on most of those things… many in just the last few months.

                • Gina Bousquet March 23rd, 2016 at 19:36

                  I believe when smart people choose a political standpoint — and candidate– over another they disregard certain traits in favor of others they value more. It’s not so much that they ignore them. Maybe that’s a moderate thought of mine. :)

                  • Kick Frenzy March 23rd, 2016 at 23:43

                    Y’know, that’s probably a true enough point.
                    Some people may know of some points that aren’t that great, but to them the good outweighs the bad.

                    • oldfart March 24th, 2016 at 01:43

                      AKA the lesser of two evils ?

                    • Kick Frenzy March 24th, 2016 at 02:47

                      Pretty much, at least in most cases, yup.

                      (Except for Bernie, he’s not the lesser of anything as far as I’m concerned.)

                    • oldfart March 24th, 2016 at 09:03

                      Agree. That’s one of the many reasons he’ll get my vote in the primary.

                  • oldfart March 24th, 2016 at 01:53

                    I favor vanilla ice cream but chocolate is good too.
                    My politics is the same way
                    …it’s not easy to disregard chocolate.

                    • Gina Bousquet March 27th, 2016 at 19:50

                      I know what you mean, still, we choose one of them. :)

      • oldfart March 24th, 2016 at 01:34

        I enjoyed reading that thanks.

        • Gina Bousquet March 27th, 2016 at 19:48

          So sorry I did not get your answer in my email box when you posted it, only saw it now. You are very much welcome.

  7. Schezarde April 9th, 2016 at 01:27

    Hmmm… who to vote for…
    As Democrats, we rely more on our intelligence than the Republicans. We keep an open mind and listen to other people’s positions.

    For all the Hillary Supporters, please take a look at these links and tell me why you support Hillary. I really want to know.
    Thank you.

    • whatthe46 April 9th, 2016 at 01:37

      tRump wants to hump his daughter, 4 time bankruptcy champ, an importer of immigrants to work in America, and who outsources his clothing lines to China and Mexico, ms. rudy is a drag queen that loves him/her some tRump, kash!t is a woman hater, well that applies to all GOPissers and repukes, tediban wants to rule the country under sharia law, repukes in general hate women and their health care, pro-death, not pro-life, pro-forced birth, hypocrites, war mongers, and no one is going to click on a link that spews RWNJ lies 24/7. so, tell me, why in the hell do you support the repuking party? oh and one other thing, why is it that none of your idiot candidates have anything of value to debate other than the size or lack there of, another candidate’s dik?

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