Former Clinton Labor Secretary endorses Sanders

Posted by | February 27, 2016 11:51 | Filed under: Politics

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Copyright 2016 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

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5 responses to Former Clinton Labor Secretary endorses Sanders

  1. mea_mark February 27th, 2016 at 11:54

    … “leading a movement to reclaim America for the many, not the few,” … — The number one, most important reason to support Sanders. Anything less, is settling for less and letting those at the very top, rule over us. #FeelTheBern

    • robert February 27th, 2016 at 16:32

      holy mixed messages batman ! he endorses sanders yet he goes onto say ” im going to do everything possible to get hillary elected ”

      i seriously doubt this dude knows what actually needs to be done

  2. maggie February 27th, 2016 at 11:56

    I understand why reich is backing sanders…standing on his principals and I respect him for it…it’s just not mathematically possible….the socialists have not done their work in this nation…getting elected to the small public service positions to provide the support for him to be a viable candidate…on that alone I won’t vote for sanders….HRC 2016!

    • Lindsncal February 27th, 2016 at 12:47

      “it’s just not mathematically possible.”
      That’s a lie and if you ever actually listened to Sanders, he explains exactly why it’s possible and how.
      Go see the movie “Where to Invade Next” to see what’s happened to this country in the last 30 years. It’s not political, only informative, and if you don’t cry, get disgusted or get pissed, there is something wrong with you.
      The biggest take away from the movie is that other countries who are doing things so much better than we are, are simply doing what we used to do here.

      • maggie February 27th, 2016 at 13:31

        I know the movie “what to invade next” I love michael moore…I have for years…since the seventies…and I love that bernie is pulling the dems to the left…but he doesn’t have what it takes mathematically to sweep the nation…the job of socialists now is to get elected in small public service positions across the nation ..especially the south…to a certain extent you are “preaching to the choir” in the north…as someone once wrote about the south “you could fit the liberals in a telephone booth” as someone who has been around more than a few election cycles …you can’t just go on enthusiasm and fairy dust…you have to have the local people electing the greens/socialists in locally…that’s how you know whether or not the support is there….he’s not the perfect candidate by a long shot but he’s got a lot to add to the national conversation…after the election is over and HRC is in office I am sure bernie and liz and jill will have her ear anytime they want….but the worst scenario is the GOp in the white house picking a supreme court justice …the best case scenario is ALL “democrats” no matter which way they lean …socialist to moderate …working together expanding and building left….rule number one..for voters…never fall in love with a candidate and never listen to their fantastical statistical data (I don’t even listen to HRC’s even tho she’s ahead right now according to the polls)…it’s all fly surgeon hrse sht……so I want all the dems and lefts working together the next 8 yrs to improve the nation environmentally, socially (a housing advocate in the white house under hrc) and economically …HRC has the message that we need to regulate the banks and make way for small and medium sized companies, increase wages and cut off corporate welfare…she certainly can get it done…she has proved herself a hardworker and a good listener…reflecting people’s concerns and stumping for them… Cheers, Maggie

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