Republicans Much More Engaged Than Democrats In Prez Race

Posted by | November 9, 2015 10:34 | Filed under: Politics

Groups likely to vote Democratic are less engaged in the presidential race than Republicans are according to Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg.

Unmarried women, minorities, and particularly millennials are less interested in next year’s voting than seniors, conservatives, and white non-college men are. Non-college women — a group the Clinton camp is reportedly eyeing as a way to expand on the Obama coalition — are also less interested.

Now, obviously there is a very long way to go, and plenty of time for these voter groups to get more engaged. If Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, and the prospect of electing the first female president seems increasingly within reach, you could see engagement kicking in much more substantially. (It will be interesting to see how non-college, unmarried, minority and millennial women respond.)

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Copyright 2015 Liberaland
By: Alan

Alan Colmes is the publisher of Liberaland.

6 responses to Republicans Much More Engaged Than Democrats In Prez Race

  1. Buford2k11 November 9th, 2015 at 10:46

    come on…we are a year out, the GOP has a bunch of head spinning freak show clowns, maintaining the Village Idiot Entitlement and Free Lunch Program of the beltway bubble people…while we dems, have reasoned discussions about serious issues…but there is a danger that us dems will be shouted down and drowned out by the Propaganda Machines…of the six major owners of the media…this is where the internet freedom comes into play…this is why there is some much interest by these same corporations, to control as much of the net as possible…yes, it is about the money…big money…and some of it will be spent to purchase gop favors……
    I can’t remember who said “freedom is hard to keep”….I am thinking this is an understatement….

  2. Tommie November 9th, 2015 at 10:49

    You call it “engaged”, we call it going crazy with some of the things coming out their mouth!

  3. mistlesuede November 9th, 2015 at 11:39

    I think most folks, especially women, are more concerned with their families, the holidays and the preparations and all that is involved in taking care of both right now along with their jobs and everything else we do.
    That being said, the Democratic party as a whole does have a messaging problem. They don’t have one. The candidates are talking about the issues, but get little to no coverage. It’s all Liar McLiarson and the Trumpster and continuous debates and interviews. Check out the listings for the Sunday morning programs. Republican TV. Why would Democratic party members be excited? I’m a political junkie and I’m not excited this time like I was last time.
    Hopefully as the new year begins, things will improve on this front. But judging from previous elections, like the one last week Tuesday, the hate on the right mobilizes them much better than the calmness of the left.

    • eyelashviper November 9th, 2015 at 12:25

      This seems to be the case far too often with the Dems. It was true long ago when Will Rogers quipped, “I don’t belong to any organized party, I am a Democrat.” The DNC at the national level often seems tone deaf, or incompetent, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz has done a poor job, to be kind, of promoting the party and it’s important platforms.
      Given reality, it is beyond comprehension how anyone, other than the 1% ers and fundamentalists could ever vote GOP.

      • mistlesuede November 9th, 2015 at 12:36

        Agree with you on all points. Thom Hartmann was just mentioning on his show that the next Democratic debate is on a Saturday?!? Who is going to watch that? DWS has turned out to be a huge disappointment. I remember seeing her on the floor of the House talking in the past and thinking she was very good. She should never have been given any kind of leadership position for the political arm of the party. I’m afraid DWS is taking voters for granted. I don’t think the candidates are at all. They are working hard to reach out to them.

  4. rg9rts November 10th, 2015 at 07:32

    We’ll get what we deserve

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